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Metropolis at the Opening of the 13th Grossmann Festival

The opening of the 13th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival on Tuesday, July 11th will feature a special screening of Fritz Lang's sci-fi masterpiece Metropolis, accompanied by live music by Mitja Reichenberg.
There are several reasons for presenting Metropolis at this year's edition of the Grossmann festival. The first, and most obvious, is that Metropolis is a classical science-fiction film and as such needs no special excuse to be screened at a festival dedicated to the genre cinema. The second, and more important, is the 90th anniversary of the premiere of this Lang's masterpiece. But there is even more to it, and it concerns the connection between Fritz Lang and Dr. Karol Grossmann, the pioneer of Slovenian cinema, after whom our festival is named. It is a proven fact that in 1915, during WW1, the young Fritz Lang, being a non-commissioned officer in the army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the time, had been staying for several months in the home of Dr. Grossmann, here in Ljutomer. Fritz Lang left behind some of his artwork, and though we know nothing of the discussions between these two men, both very cultivated, we'd like to imagine that cinema, dear to Dr. Grossmann and later the life's preoccupation of Fritz Lang, was one of the subjects they were talking about. Is there any better place for celebrating the 90th anniversary of Metropolis than at the festival, named after a man who was having Fritz Lang as his guest here, at his home in Ljutomer? For us, it is a cause for great celebration.
Mitja Reichenberg, a renowned expert on film music, who authored several books and numerous articles on the subject, has a profound knowledge on the silent era film scores. He will be joining us with a live performance, accompanying Metropolis on the opening day of the festival.

Festival international du Film de Montagne d’Autrans Edition 2017


Provoquer la rencontre, prendre plaisir, titiller le débat, solliciter notre
questionnement intérieur… Le festival international du film de montagne
d’Autrans s’engage cette année encore sur ses objectifs : être à la fois un lieu
de découverte de la montagne sous tous ses aspects et s’imposer comme un
foyer de discussions et de rencontres ! Rassembler sur 5 jours, autour de films
mais pas uniquement, tous ceux qui aiment la montagne, tous ceux qui y vivent
ou ceux qui en vivent. Pour le plaisir, mais aussi pour le futur de cet univers
naturel unique.
Depuis quelques années, le FIFMA propose des thèmes aux approches multiples,
et souvent aux résonnances contraires. « Enfin seul(s) ? », ou la question de la
solitude en montagne, en est cette année encore une belle illustration. Solitude
choisie ou isolement subi ? Deux façons de vivre ce sentiment, volontaire ou non.
Quelles sont les expériences de la solitude en montagne ? Qu’appelons-nous
solitude ? Acceptons-nous encore vraiment le sentiment d’isolement ?
Et d’ailleurs… pouvons-nous encore aujourd’hui expérimenter la solitude en
montagne ? De quelle solitude parlons-nous, quand celle-ci est souvent
connectée au reste du monde, par les moyens technologiques entre autres.
Certains fuient le monde de façon de plus en plus radicale, quand d’autres ne
supportent plus de ne pas être connecté à celui-ci. Un thème qui sera abordé
au moyen de films, de débats, d’expositions et qui résonnera bien au-delà du
milieu montagnard.
Une affiche qui illustre ce contraste entre un grand dénuement et un milieu
largement habité. Un personnage qui évolue seul, dont l’ombre est habité de
tant de choses, de tant de vies, de tant de facettes de la montagne. Un visuel
signé pour la deuxième année par la graphiste grenobloise Marianne Duchêne.
Compétition de films documentaires
Actuellement en cours de sélection, les nombreux films documentaires présentés
à l’équipe du FIFMA révéleront cette année encore quelques pépites proposées
au public sous la forme de séances où se mélangent les thèmes et les approches
filmiques. Le FIFMA est un événement majeur pour la diffusion des films
documentaires de montagne. Le palmarès qui en émane est reconnu à l’échelle
internationale, dans le milieu de la montagne et du cinéma documentaire.
Le Festival propose aussi au public des approches et des regards différents au
moyen de séances dédiées : courts métrages de fiction, films d’animation, et
longs métrages.
Cette année, le programme sera divisé en nouvelles grandes sections distinctes :
• Compétition documentaire (tous les films documentaires en compétition,
dont la séance Thema en lien avec le thème 2017)
• Autres séances compétitives (compétition des premières réalisations /
courts métrages de fiction / films courts d’animation)
• Séances « Panoramas » (films hors compétition choisis par le Festival pour
leur approche pertinente de la thématique 2017 ou de la montagne en général,
dont la séance Retro).
Juillet 2017
Festival International
du Film de Montagne
Rendez-vous du
6 au 10 décembre
Informations :
accréditations, visuels :
Un jury professionnel est invité à se prononcer sur une quarantaine de films
documentaires, alors que des jurys spéciaux pourront définir des choix de
films selon leur identité. L’INA sera à nouveau partenaire du FIFMA pour
accompagner la compétition des premières réalisations, avec un jury spécial et
un prix dédié. Nouvelle formule pour Ushuaia TV qui collaborera au Festival
avec un jury dédié et un prix spécifique. Trois prix du public récompenseront le
meilleur film documentaire, un film de fiction de court métrage, et un film
d’animation de court métrage.
Sorties et ateliers
Proposer au public de vivre un festival dans son ensemble, tout en profitant du
territoire environnant au moyen de sorties extérieures et d’ateliers.
Accompagnés par des partenaires professionnels, le public pourra ainsi
découvrir notre territoire du Vercors mais aussi approfondir sa réflexion sur le
territoire montagne dans sa globalité. Selon les conditions météorologiques,
sorties sportives ou découverte des espaces naturels.
Rencontres professionnelles
Le FIFMA occupe une belle place dans le secteur professionnel du film de
montagne et veut être ce lieu où naissent les projets et les expéditions filmées !
La session de pitch, destinée aux porteurs de projets de films en cours de
développement, sera renouvelée pour sa 3ème édition en décembre prochain.
Depuis 2016, le FIFMA est doté d’un lieu de visionnage qui peut accueillir des
professionnels toute l’année : accès à notre vidéothèque, salle de projection,
animation d’ateliers et de rencontres. Ce lieu est aussi pendant le festival le
point de rencontre des professionnels et un espace où ils peuvent trouver les
films et les contacts des réalisateurs pour leurs propres activités
Les projets de 2017
Participation du FIFMA aux célébrations des Jeux Olympiques de 1968, avec
l’intégration de soirées spéciales dans notre programme.
Un système de billetterie amélioré, suite à la transition initiée en 2016 vers
une billetterie entièrement dématérialisée. En 2016, cette nouvelle solution a
attiré un nouveau public vers le festival, avec des provenances géographiques
plus éloignées du fait de la garantie pour le public d’accéder aux projections
choisies. Le public a également pu ressentir une grande fluidité dans les
entrées en salle, grâce aux des billets électroniques.
Projet d’accueillir une délégation de festivals adhérents du réseau Festivals-
Connexion en Région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes.
Les événements dans l’événement
Les Rencontres littéraires, vendredi 8 et samedi 9 décembre.
La 10ème édition du Festitrail, samedi 9 décembre.
Les Adrénaline sessions, réparties sur les 5 jours du Festival.
Les grands moments du festival, invités, programmation, films, jury,
disponibles mi- octobre via notre communiqué de presse et notre conférence
de presse ! D’ici là… que toutes les expériences de solitude, choisies ou subies,
soient enrichissantes pour chacun d’entre nous !
Communiqué de
Juillet 2017
Festival International
du Film de Montagne
Rendez-vous du
6 au 10 décembre
Informations :
accréditations, visuels :
Le FIFMA en quelques dates...
Date limite d’inscription des films pour la sélection 2017 : 13 août 2017
Pitch session - Ouverture des candidatures le 15 juillet 2017.
Résultats de la sélection officielle mi-septembre.
Conférence de presse mi-octobre 2017 avec le détail des invités, de la
programmation et la bande annonce officielle.
Le programme détaillé du Festival le 20 octobre 2017 en version web et le 1er
novembre en version papier.
Ouverture de la billetterie en ligne le 30 octobre 2017.
5 jours de Festival 6 au 10 décembre 2017.
Le FIFMA en quelques mots...
1 jury officiel pour les films documentaires, 3 prix du public, 2 jurys partenaires.
Des animations sportives et festives à Autrans et sur tout le territoire montagne
environnant. Des soirées spéciales avec des invités et des films exceptionnels.
Des rencontres professionnelles pour le secteur de la production de films de
montagne. Des débats et des rencontres avec les acteurs professionnels du
milieu naturel montagnard. De nombreux invités : réalisateurs, protagonistes
de films, alpinistes, auteurs, artistes, musiciens, etc. Des avant-premières de
longs métrages ou des films inédits. Des invités avec qui échanger en toute
simplicité. Des séances dédiées pour les scolaires et les ainés ruraux. Des
séances délocalisées tout au long de l’année, auprès des scolaires et du grand
public. Des navettes en bus entre Grenoble et Autrans à disposition du public
et une garderie pour les parents cinéphiles.

Golden Apricot (July 9 -16) kicked off in Yerevan


The 14 edition of the Golden Apricot (Vosge Dziran) International Film Festival GAIFF is off and running in Yerevan, the serenely beautiful capital of Armenia.

         The Majestic old Moskva Cinema on Charles Aznavour, Plaza is the heart of the Golden Apricot Film Festival


The opening night film On July 7 was a tribute to early Armenian cinema, an unsual 1927 silent directed by Armenian Hamo Beknazar who was active as an actor and director in the USSR and Georgia and is regarded as the the founder of the Armenian film industry.

As for the content of the film: At the end of 19th century the Shah of Persia endows England with a monopoly over the tobacco trade. Russia responds to that by blocking the wheat exports to Persia. Famine comes upon the land, and Khas-Push, the poorest peasants and craftsmen start a rebellion.  Oddly rele vant to the ongoing situation in this part of the world, even today.


Twelve films will be screened in competitin, to wit.


Film Alter Ego

Director, Vigen Chaldranyan

Country, Armenia

Year of the production 2016 Running time, 125 min.



Directors, Affonso Uchôa, João Dumans

Country, Brazil

Year of the production 2017, Running time, 96 min.


Ember, Director, Zeki Demirkubuz

Country, Turkey/Germany

Year of the production 2016

Running time 115 min.


Khibula, Director

George Ovashvili, Country(-ies)


Year of the production, 2017

Running time, 99 min.


A Man of Integrity, Director(s)

Mohammad Rasoulof, Country, Iran

Year of the production 2017

Running time,117 min.


The Nest of the Turtledove

Director, Taras Tkachenko

Country, Ukraine

Year of the production 2016

Running time, 103 min.


A Prominent Patient, 

Director Julius Ševčík

Country, Czech Republic/Slovakia/Germany

Year of the production2016

Running time,114 min.


Requiem for Mrs. J.

Director,  Bojan Vuletić


Serbia/Bulgaria/Republic of Macedonia/Russia/France

Year of the production, 2017

Running time, 94 min.


Sarajevo Songs of Woe

Director, Fred Kelemen

Countries, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Germany

Year of the production2016

Running time 140 min.


Sexy Durga, Director

Sanal Kumar Sasidharan

Country, India

Year of the production2017

Running time, 85 min.


Still Night, Still Light

Director,  Sophie Goyette

Country, Canada

Year of the production, 2016

Running time 98 min.



Director, Film


Director,  Valeska Grisebach

Countries, Germany/Bulgaria/Austria

Year of the production2017

Running time

A certain emphasis, as to be expected, on films of the general region including Georgia, Iran, Ukraine and Southeast Europe, but a few entries from further afield; India, Brazil, and Canada.


A set of thirteen non-competition Yerevan premieres consists largely of films that garnered attention at Cannes and Berlin earlier in the year.

Included in this section: 

The Hungarian love story in a slaughterhouse "On Body and Soul" (Test és lélekről) which won the Best Picture golden bear at Berlin. Director Ildiko Enikő is sitting on the feature competition jury here.

The Finnish immigration crisis drama "The other side of hope" for which minimalist master Aki Kaurismäki was named best director at Berlin, and

"In the Fade" By Turco-German helmer Fatih Akin, for which German actress Diane Kruger walked off with the best actress award at Cannes. 

This one I missed at Cannes and am looking forward to catching up with it here.

In the retrospectives section,

Jean-Pierre Melville's awesome 1970 caper epic, "Le Cercle Rouge" (The red circle)  a unique French "polar" teaming up two French megastars, Alain Delon and Yves Montand. Saw this years ago and can't wait to see it again.

"Afterimages", Polish master Andrzej Wajda's final film, which has been making the rounds of the festival circuit and is worth multiple viewings.

Master classes, workshops, and midnight open discussion sessions with a daily guest of the fest -- one of the most intriguing festival sidelights, round out the kind of week to whet the celluloid appetite of any film buff worthy of the name.


The Closing Film will be a new documentary on the Armenian Genocide,  "Intent to Destroy" (2017), made by veteran American documentary filmaker Joe Berlinger who o

  meets with historians and scholars to discuss the Armenian Genocide and the continuing denial by the Turkish government.  Clearly made to order for this festival.



Shriekfest announces its final call for entries


Shriekfest, the Los Angeles Horror/SciFi Film Festival continues its tradition as Los Angeles' Premier horror film event, presenting an exciting program of films each fall with beautiful Los Angeles as its backdrop. Shriekfest takes place at the legendary Raleigh Studios, which is the largest independent studio operator in the country. We offer filmmakers and film fans alike an ideal setting in a world-famous city, Both established and emerging filmmakers gain media exposure, connect with the region's diverse audiences, and participate in an acclaimed event attended by industry professionals as well as horror and scifi fans. Over the past fifteen years, Shriekfest has welcomed numerous indie icons into its family and now Shriekfest is bi-coastal as well.  Shriekfest Los Angeles: Oct 5-8 and Shriekfest Orlando Oct 21


We are looking for new and original films and screenplays. We are accepting films/screenplays in seven categories: narrative feature, narrative short, narrative super short/webisodes, feature screenplay, short screenplay, and a NEW category MUSIC VIDEOS!  All music videos can be any genre, any type.

We will be awarding prizes to the winners in each category.

The 13th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival Starts Today

The 13th edition of Grossmann Festival, taking place in Ljutomer, Slovenia, will begin today at 18.00h with the Creatures of Fashion performance and the the presentation of winemakers that take part in this year’s Wine Champion Vicious Cat competition.
The film program begins at 19.00h with Fritz Lang’s science fiction masterpiece Metropolis, accompanied by live music by Mitja Reichenberg.
At 22.00h, Harry Kümel will address the Grossmann audience for the first time at the Main Square, prior to the screening of his vampire classic Daughters of Darkness.
The film program will also feature Spanish thriller The Glass Coffin and the first batch of short films competing for the Slak’s Vicious Cat award.
The 13th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival will last until Saturday, July 15th, when this year's winners will be announced at the closing ceremony.

More information:


Line up for The Brainwash Drive-in Bike-in Walk-in Movie Festival



The Brainwash Drive-In/Bike-In/Walk-In Movie festival Announces the 23rd Annual Festival 2017 Program!!!

July 21, 22, 28 & 29/2017 @  Nimby,  8410 Amelia St., Oakland, CA, USA. All shows 9:00 pm.


Friday, July 21, 2017

Hell  No! – Sally Richardson/Dave Krzysik

Where Have All The Flowers Gone – Hong Chan*

The Heart of a Nation – Doug Birnbaum

Impervia – Patrick Devaney

Living  Limbo – Paul Aumoeualogo

Regis #2 – Reny Masseglia

Backstage – Olga Wilhelmine

Mostly Useless – Connor O’Rourke

StalkerZ – Damien Patrik

Spies – Katarzyna Kochany


Saturday, July 22, 2017

All The World’s A Stage – Hannes Rall*

Interior Night – David Streit


Friday, July 28, 2017

Outside the Box – Steve Segal

Solved – Michael Bartolomeo

Pizza  Face – Jamie Dwyer

Hell  No! – Sally Richardson/Dave Krzysik

Cab Elvis – Andrew Franks*

Wait  Wait  Wait – Emma Penaz Eisner

Shout at the Ground – Leela Menon

What Price Freedom: The History of Apocalypse Cartoons – Dean Packis


Saturday, July 29 2017

Lily Hits The Road – Xstine Cook

Bien Mal À Qui!? – Daniel Jenny

Panic Attack! – Eileen O’ Meara

The Return – Hamid Reza/Mazrae Khatiri

An Exquisite Task – Beck Underwood

Seventy – Robert Belinoff

My Friend – Kate McCabe

Luis and the Others – Christophe Latron (Daci)

Catch the Wind – Paul Aumoeualogo

The Blue Jet – Lawrence  Lam

Awards Presentation


*Courtesy Aug & Ohr Agency




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The cut and editing concepts play the lead part in the image of the 65th edition of San Sebastian Festival




The author of the poster is the graphic design studio from San Sebastian Husmee

The winner of the New Directors section is Primer vuelo (First Flight), featuring a “brave” plane as it searches for “a new direction”, designed by Angel Aldarondo, who also created the winning proposal of Horizontes Latinos, Muros (Walls), where an artist paints his “wish for freedom”. The designer Maite Rosende reflects on glass in her creation for Pearls, while Sara Zamarro returns to the metaphor of the flight in the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera section, although this time the destination is rather more “unpredictable”. Lastly, the TGA studio turns to austerity to combine the concepts of gastronomy and film in the image of Culinary Zinema.

The poster by Husmee was selected from among the eight submissions by prestigious studios and designers invited to produce the Festival image. The press conference included presentation of the winning images of the poster competition called by the Festival for the New Directors, Horizontes Latinos, Pearls, Zabaltegi-Tabakalera and Culinary Zinema sections. The jury, made up of the designer Jorge Primo, author of the image of the 64th edition, Miren Arzalluz, Director of the Etxepare Institute, and Lur Olaizola, Coordinator of the Tabakalara Cinema and Audiovisual Programme, together with two members of the Film Festival Management Comittee, chose in each category, from twenty submissions: ten selected by the 61,592 votes cast by the general public and ten chosen by the Festival team from among the 1,620 submissions received.This morning, for the first time, the central patio of Tabakalera, the International Centre for Contemporary Culture, became the setting for presentation of the image of the 65th San Sebastian Festival, to run from September 22-30. The graphic design studio from San Sebastian Husmee, which turns 10 this year and has recently opened a branch in London, designed the proposal selected for the Official Selection. Their poster is composed of a grid of 24 stills telling the story of the number 65. The poster plays with the concepts of cut and editing and suggests the idea of rhythm and movement in all of its formats.

Also presented were the posters of the 65th edition retrospective, dedicated to the North American director who settled in the UK, Joseph Losey, designed by Eurosíntesis together with the Festival, and of Savage Cinema, created, like last year, by Maurix with a wink to the natural parks postcards of the 50s and 60s. 

At the press conference, the Festival Director, José Luis Rebordinos, forwarded a number of keys to the edition, where the discovery of new talents will yet again form one of its axes, while recalling the setting in motion of the new industry activity, Glocal in Progress, for European productions in non-hegemonic languages. 







Specialising in corporate identity and editorial design, the basis of their work is form, colour and typography. The studio was created in 2007 by Alain Villastrigo and Ernesto Arnáez as a vehicle for their interests in the field of graphic design. Parallel to its everyday activity the studio is involved in a variety of actions including the cultural magazine of the same name, events, interventions, exhibitions, etc. 


The poster is divided into a grid generating 24 ‘frames’ telling a story starring the number 65, with different cuts and frames that change as the graphics unfold. The compositions are not chronological, but play with the cut and editing concept. Using this element enables them to generate rhythm and different compositions for all of the formats used. 




Author: Angel Aldarondo


Multifaceted professional in the audiovisual sector, he directs and edits projects for advertising, cinema and TV. In addition to contributing to numerous print media, he specialises in post-production and motion-graphics. A producer of video clips, commercials, trailers and short films, his short Ondar Ahoak was selected for the Kimuak catalogue, winning several awards including Best Experimental Short Film Award at the San Diego Festival.


Despite seeming inexperienced and fragile, on its first flight this paper plane (which could in fact be a screenplay) bravely sets out to find a new direction. The poster represents “the vertigo of the first times”. 


Horizontes latinos: MUROS (WALLS)

Author: Angel Aldarondo


Multifaceted professional in the audiovisual sector, he directs and edits projects for advertising, cinema and TV. In addition to contributing to numerous print media, he specialises in post-production and motion-graphics. A producer of video clips, commercials, trailers and short films, his short Ondar Ahoak was selected for the Kimuak catalogue, winning several awards including Best Experimental Short Film Award at the San Diego Festival.


A way of taking a stance and saving a wall, projecting a wish for freedom on the obstacle.


peARLS: OJO DE PERLA (pearl eye)

Author: Maite Rosende


San Sebastian, 1991. Moved to Barcelona to take her higher studies in Mural Painting and decided to study illustration, a world to which she had felt attracted from a very early age. She completed her training by studying graphic design, photography and video editing. She presently works freelance, principally focussing on illustrations for children.


They say nothing’s true or a lie, nothing’s beautiful or ugly, it all depends through which glass you look at it. Pearls is the section for the best movies of the year. Said ‘pearls’ are the glass Zinemaldia places before each spectator so that they can enjoy the full beauty of the seventh art with their own eyes. 


Zabaltegi-Tabakalera: vuelos (FLIGHTS)

Author: Sara Zamarro


San Sebastian, 1990. Designer trained in graphic design at the Kunsthal Arts and Design Centre and in audiovisual production and post-production at the Centa school. Her most recent works are the image of the San Sebastian 2016 Foundation project Karta Zuriak/Cartas Blancas (White Letters), directed by the author Anjel Lertxundi; adaptation of sheets of the comic-book Fatherland by the Canadian illustrator Nina Bunjevac; and the graphic identity and its application in the exhibition space for Ahotsak/Voces (Voices), an exhibition by the Real Sociedad Foundation.


Flights with an unpredictable destination and no rules intersect one another in their need to explore, create and take up new challenges in an enigmatic and immense space.


Culinary Zinema: Cz

Author: TGA


San Sebastian design studio. “We like to be functional. We propose graphic, interactive and interior design solutions that are useful, simple, lasting and efficiently meet our clients’ needs. Being a small studio allows us greater involvement, flexibility, proximity and direct responsibility throughout the creative and productive process”.


Austere in its composition, types and colours, the poster contains iconographic elements coming from the world of gastronomy but which, given their formal simplicity, also refer to elements of the film world. This design, visually simple and minimalist, makes for easy reading and fast and direct understanding of the message.



SAVAGE CINEMA: greetings from the savage cinema natural park

Author: Carlos Mauricio Maurix


Maurix, Galician art director and graphic designer (1979). He has worked for Zara, David Delfín and Bambú Producciones, among others. He has been living for several years in Madrid, where he runs his own studio.


A wink to the natural parks postcards of the 50s and 60s. Maurix has painted an imaginary valley, with its virgin mountains, waterfalls and forests, in faded colours playing with melancholy and childhood memories. In a sympathetic message, a direct invitation to the inquisitive who haven’t yet discovered the nature of the Savage Cinema section: Greetings from the Savage Cinema Natural Park.



Author: Festival de San Sebastián y Eurosíntesis


The poster of the retrospective dedicated to the North American filmmaker who settled in UK Joseph Losey is taken from an iconic scene of one of his best known films, The Servant. The clip of the retrospective is the work of Carlos Rodríguez, from the MorganCrea studio.




The Jury of the poster competition also decided to make a series of special mentions in five categories of the competition:

Special Mentions– New Directors





REFLECTION, by Jani Pesonen


ICEBERG, by Koloreka San Sebastian on paper


Special Mentions – Horizontes Latinos






TIPO, by Cristóbal Aguiló Domínguez



Special Mentions – Pearls





20000 LEAGUES UNDER, by Claudio Canesso

PERLA 01, by TGA

LÁGRIMA, by Maite Rosende Gutiérrez

CUBO, by Antoni Pontí Ibars

Special Mentions – Zabaltegi-Tabakalera





CAMINO, by Petros Voulgaris

PROFUNDA MENTE, by Javier Manero Mijangos

DOODLE 2, by Angela Monteiro

ZABALTEGI-TABAKALERA, by Ivan Puertas Alonso

Special Mentions – Culinary Zinema





EMERGER, by Sara Zamarro Alzaga

COCINA DE ENSUEÑO, by Aitor Cirilo Cabrera

PSYCOOLINARY ZINEMA, by Juan Martin Acevedo Sánchez

GORILA VASCO, by Ane Curto Román

Tickets on sale in advance for the Opening and Closing Galas

Tickets on sale in advance for the Opening and Closing Galas of the 65th edition available now in the Festival website. With each purchase, you will be able to obtain a maximum of 4 tickets per Gala. Enter here to make your purchase.



The Festival is possible thanks to the contributions and enthusiasm of many people and companies, including:

  • TVE, GAS NATURAL FENOSA and MOVISTAR +, Official Festival Sponsors.
  • KUTXABANK, Official Collaborator and Sponsor of the Kutxabank-New Directors Award.
  • AUDI, Official Collaborator and Official Vehicle.
  • IBERMEDIA PROGRAMME, for its collaboration with FILMS IN PROGRESS.
  • BASQUE CULINARY CENTER, Co-organiser of the Culinary Zinema: Film and Gastronomy section.
  • CULINARY CINEMA of the Berlin Festival, Collaborator with the Culinary Zinema: Film and Gastronomy section.
  • NESPRESSO, Official Festival Coffee and sponsor of the Culinary Zinema: Film and Gastronomy section.
  • RED BULL MEDIA HOUSE, Co-organiser of the Savage Cinema section.
  • TABAKALERA-INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY CULTURE, Co-organiser of the International Film Students Meeting and of the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera section.
  • IRIZAR, Sponsor of the Zinemira section and the Irizar Basque Film Award.
  • TCM, Sponsor of the TCM Zinemaldia Meetings.
  • EL DIARIO VASCO, which will be present at the screenings in the Velodrome.
  • RAMÓN BILBAO, Sponsor of the Festival Opening Party.
  • JAEGER-LeCOULTRE, Sponsor of the Festival.
  • KELER, Official Festival beer.
  • HISPASAT, Sponsor of the Festival.
  • PERRIER JOUËT, Official Festival champagne
  • EITB, Collaborator with the Zinemira Section and with the Basque Film Gala.
  • IBAIA and EPE-APV, Collaborators with the Zinemira Section.
  • CULTURARTS-IVAC (VALENCIA), BASQUE FILM ARCHIVE and SAN TELMO MUSEUM, collaborators of the cycle Joseph Losey.
  • SPANISH FILM ARCHIVE, Co-organiser of the Joseph Losey cycle.
  • SGAE FOUNDATION, Collaborator of Made in Spain.
  • ORONA FOUNDATION, Sponsor of the Festival and of the Orona Award.
  • EROSKI, Sponsor of the Festival and of the EROSKI Youth Award.
  • We would also like to say thanks for their support to: GRUPO SADE, RAMIRO MATA, DISDIRA, MAX FACTOR and LA FENESTRA.

And the members of the Board of Administrators of the Sociedad Anónima Festival de San Sebastián: Spanish Government Ministry of Culture, Basque Government Department of Culture, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and San Sebastian City Council.


Official Sponsors:

rtve.esGas Natural - Fenosamovistar+

Official Collaborators:

Associated Institutions:

Ayuntamiento de San SebastiánDiputación de GipuzcoaGobierno VascoMinisterio de cultura, educación y deporte

Festival de San Sebastián
© San Sebastian International Film Festival | Castellano | Euskara | English |



44th Telluride Film Festival Announces 2017 Poster Artist Lance Rutter



44th Telluride Film Festival presented by National Film Preserve LTD., proudly announces artist and graphic designer Lance Rutter as its 2017 poster artist. Telluride Film Festival’s prestigious annual gathering for film industry insiders, cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers and critics takes place every Labor Day weekend in the picturesque town of Telluride, Colorado. The 44th edition of TFF will run September 1-4, 2017.


Lance Rutter has spent the last 30+ years of his career devoted to graphic design, working on projects in his Chicago design studio, teaching design at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, serving on the national board of the AIGA, and presiding over the 2008 and 2010 Chicago International Poster Biennials, among other public design advocacy initiatives. Rutter’s own posters have been a part of international exhibitions in the U.S., France, Poland, Mexico, Japan, Hungary, China, the Slovak Republic, Bolivia, Russia, and Iran. He is currently the VP of Design for Quantifind, a tech start-up in Silicon Valley, where he is responsible for everything from the company’s branding and office space design to the design of their data analytics software.


“I don’t think it's possible to overstate how thrilled I was to be asked to create a poster for the 44th edition of the Telluride Film Festival,” said Rutter. “So many really wonderful artists have become part of this legacy, and it’s an honor to now be associated with them. After speaking with several people who have a deep love of—and long association with—Telluride, I believe there is something uniquely magical that happens there every year. While the foundation of Telluride has rightfully been a celebration of film, the Festival itself is more about the coming together of the lovers of film. From creators to admirers, it is about the people who fill, and then transform the place. The collegial atmosphere, the “realness” and accessibility of the people, their joy and warmth… those are the things that enchant Telluride—and what I hoped to express in the poster.”


“Lance’s design for this year’s poster is simply stunning,” said Telluride Film Festival executive director Julie Huntsinger. “Working with him has been a delight from start to finish. Lance is a true artist, and a true professional.”


Rutter joins a prestigious list of artists who have shared their talents with Telluride Film Festival. Past poster artists include Yann Legendre, Laurent Durieux, Christian Marclay, Dean Tavoularis, Ed Ruscha, John Mansfield, Julian Schnabel, Dottie Attie, Doug and Mike Starn, David Lance Goines, Chuck Jones, David Salle, Alexis Smith, Jim Dine, Seymour Chwast, Frederic Amat, Francesco Clemente, Dave McKean, Gary Larson, Chip Kidd, John Canemaker, Mark Stock, Laurie Anderson, William Wegman, Ralph Eggleston, Maira Kalman and Dave Eggers.


44th Telluride Film Festival posters will be available for purchase throughout the four-day Festival, or purchase now by visiting the TFF website at www.telluridefilmfestival.org.


About Telluride Film Festival

The prestigious Telluride Film Festival ranks among the world’s best film festivals and is an annual gathering for film industry insiders, cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers and critics. TFF is considered a major launching ground for the fall season’s most talked-about films. Founded in 1974, Telluride Film Festival, presented in the beautiful mountain town of Telluride, Colorado, is a four-day international educational event celebrating the art of film. Telluride Film Festival’s long-standing commitment is to join filmmakers and film connoisseurs together to experience great cinema. The exciting schedule, kept secret until Opening Day, consists of over two dozen filmmakers presenting their newest works, special Guest Director programs, three major Tributes to guest artists, special events and remarkable treasures from the past. Telluride Film Festival is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational program. Festival headquarters are in Berkeley, CA.


About Our Sponsors

Telluride Film Festival is supported by Turner Classic Movies, EY, Amazon Studios, FilmStruck, Participant Media, ARRI, National Endowment for the Arts, Delta Air Lines, Meyer Sound, Universal Studios, Tesla, The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, Dolby, Criterion Collection, The London West Hollywood at Beverly Hills, Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association, Telluride Alpine Lodging, DELL, and New Sheridan Hotel.

Introducing - The Jukebox International Film Festival



The Jukebox International Film Festival (JIFF) is presented in conjunction with Jazz and Beyond: Carson City Music Festival, a month-long, multi-venue concert series. JIFF is designed to compliment the music festival by presenting films that celebrate music and musicians - www.jukeboxiff.org


JIFF will take place at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall in Carson City, Nevada on August 15-16, 2017. An awards ceremony will be held at the conclusion of the Festival. All-Access, Daily and Awards Ceremony Only passes are available for purchase in advance and at the door.


In order to qualify, narrative films (features and shorts) must in some way incorporate musical themes, such as storylines that focus on musicians or performers or songwriters, music-oriented settings or locations, or other celebrations of music.


Documentary films (features and shorts) must focus on real life stories of musicians or performers or songwriters, or include stories about music-oriented events, settings or locations, or otherwise celebrate real life music and musical events in some way.


Music videos are self-explanatory and may not exceed seven and one-half (7-1/2) minutes in length.


There are no genre restrictions in any category and you can submit here - http://filmfreeway.com/festival/JukeboxInternationalFilmFestival


Jukebox International Film Festival


The Jukebox International Film Festival (JIFF) is presented in conjunction with Jazz and Beyond: Carson City Music Festival, a month-long, multi-venue concer...

Awards and prizes will be presented to the winning films in each category. Films will be judged by a panel of music industry professionals. The full list of judges will be published prior to the start of the Festival. All decisions made by the judges will be considered final.

Awards & Prizes

All films selected by the Festival will receive one (1) All-Access pass to attend the Festival. If the entrant or filmmakers are unable to attend, they may give their pass away only with the prior approval of the Festival.

There are four (4) awards in each category: First Place, Runner Up, Honorable Mention and Audience Choice.

Additionally, an award for Best of Festival will go to the one film that stands out among all the films selected to participate in the festival.

1. First Place and Audience Choice winners will receive a custom framed festival poster with engraved tag, a certificate and appropriate laurels;

2. Runners Up will receive a custom framed certificate and appropriate laurels;

3. Honorable Mentions will receive an unframed certificate and appropriate laurels.

4. The Best of Festival winner will receive the same awards as the First Place and Audience Choice winners, plus a cash prize to be determined before the start of the festival.

Additional awards and prizes may be added prior to the start of the festival - www.facebook.com/jukeboxiff

Madrid International Festival Lineup


Madrif IFF Logo

The full list of festivals's line up


#Madrid IFF 2017 Nominations

Best Unproduced Scripts | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Unproduced Scripts | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 24, 2017

Michelangelo Roberto Lemos Tantalum Mass: The Last Hacker David Garrett Gladiator Wars Z of the World Raymond Harrison Jimmy Narula Vivek Kumar...

Best Film | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Film | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Provenance Amanda Atkins Ben Hecking Noble Lies Paolo Rossi Crossing The Line Ben Nicholas David Tryhorn Milton’s Secret Sean Buckley Fred Fuchs...

Best Director | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Director | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Girl from the Brothel Ilaria Borrelli Demons Don’t Knock Leah Perriam Daniel Perriam The Gaelic Curse Jack Conroy One Buck Fabien Dufils...

Best Lead Actor | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Lead Actor | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Milton’s Secret Donald Sutherland Jasmine Jason Tobin The Last Beautiful Girl Jae McCain Blood, Sand and Gold Aaron Costa Ganis Redistributors Jeff...

Best Lead Actress | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Lead Actress | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Provenance Charlotte Vega Tomorrow Ever After Ela Thier White Bee Tanu Kurien Vaswani One Buck Katie Ryan The Duchess of Cancun Sherlyn...

Best Supporting Actor | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Supporting Actor | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Provenance Harry Macqueen Milton’s Secret William Ainscough Soul Justin Miles Blood, Sand and Gold Christopher Redman Redistributors Alistair Mackenzie Black Butterfly Jonathan...

Best Supporting Actress | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Supporting Actress | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Demons Don’t Knock Chloe Jones Bikini Blue Ruby Bentall Random Karma Mary Neilson Sophia Lazzati Cathy Conneff Indiana Suzanne DiDonna Baby Alyce...

Best Feature Film | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Feature Film | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Girl from the Brothel Guido Freddi Demons Don’t Knock Leah Perriam Daniel Perriam The Claire Wizard Thesis Ishak Issa Nicolas Nalbandian Hew...

Best Cinematography in a Feature Film | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Cinematography in a Feature Film | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

Girl from the Brothel David Vlasits Demons Don’t Knock Daniel Perriam One Buck Stéphane Vallée Soul James King Dark Meridian Jerry M....

Best Editing of a Feature Film | Madrid IFF 2017

Best Editing of a Feature Film | Madrid IFF 2017

By Film Fest Webteam  May 21, 2017

The Gaelic Curse Brian Walsh Mark Mangan Milton’s Secret Dev Singh The Claire Wizard Thesis Benjamin Murphy Jasmine Chris Chan Lee The...


Feel the Festival Beat of the circuit this past week Volume 777



Wishing you all much success on the festival circuit!

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Discount Passes for Montreal International Animation Film Festival for our audience

Animaze is an international film festival and conference exploring the world of animation in all its diversity. Filmmakers and professionals from over 65 countries will converge on Montreal from August 17-20. Filmfestivals.com has partnered with Animaze to offer our audience discount on the industry passes.  http://animazefestival.com

Digital Gym



Madrid International Festival Lineup

The full list of festivals's line up   #Madrid IFF 2017 Nominations Best Unproduced Scripts | Madrid IFF 2017 By Film Fest Webteam  May 24, 2017 Michelangelo Roberto Lemos Tantalum Mass: The Last Hacker David Garrett Gladiator Wars Z of the World Raymond Harrison Jimmy Narula Vivek Kumar... Best Film | Madrid IFF 2017 ...

Madrid International Film Festival Opening night

Filmmakers gather to introduce themselves and their work on our opening night. ...

The Madrid International Film Festival runs until 15th July. Here's a still from a Q&A with our industry pros yesterday evening #madridiff2017 — at Novotel Madrid Center. Film Festival International brings together Filmmakers and Industry Professionals from all over the world to our events. Founded in 2004, we have hosted multiple events over the years and we currently bring you The Madrid International Film Festival, The St Tropez International Film Festival and ...Digital Gym



Malcolm McDowell of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE at Famous Monsters Halloween Bash! 

Legendary British actor Malcolm McDowell has been announced for the Famous Monsters Halloween Bash! Perhaps most well known for his starring roles in the super-edgy films A CLOCKWORK ORANGE and CALIGULA, McDowell began acting in 1964 and to date has credits in over 250 films. He appeared alongside fellow guests Richard Brake and Jeff Daniel Phillips in Rob Zombie’s 31, as well as both of Zombie’s HALLOWEEN films.  ...

DARKEST HOUR Has Gary Oldman as Churchill Looking Like an Awards Contender

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Nothing like a rousing World War II “never surrender” movie to lift the spirits from current political events; thus comes DARKEST HOUR, set for release from Focus Features on Nov. 22, the day US President John F. Kennedy was shot, not a coincidence one guesses. “You can’t reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth,” bellows Gary Oldman as a very convincing and Oscar buzzy Winston Churchill. And he is backed u...

Amy Landecker will join Jim Parsons and Claire Danes in the drama A Kid Like Jake

AMY LANDECKER JOINS JIM PARSONS and CLAIRE DANES IN A KID LIKE JAKE That’s Wonderful Productions announced today that Amy Landecker will join Jim Parsons and Claire Danes in the drama A Kid Like Jake.  Octavia Spencer, Priyanka Chopra and Ann Dowd co-star.  Based on Daniel Pearle’s celebrated Lincoln Center play, A Kid Like Jake was adapted for the big screen by Daniel Pearle and is being directed by Silas Howard, an award-winning feature film, documentary, music...

Adrien Brody to receive 2017 Leopard Club Award

  The 70th Locarno Festival will pay tribute to Academy Award-winning actor Adrien Brody. The American star will receive the 2017 Leopard Club Award in Piazza Grande on 4 August.   In bestowing the Leopard Club Award on Adrien Brody, the Locarno Festival will recognize one of the most brilliant figures in American film, an Academy Award winner at the age of only 29. Brody gained a lasting place in the collective imagi...

Olivier Assayas, Yousry Nasrallah and Sabine Azéma will be the jury presidents at the 70th Locarno Festival.

Assayas, Nasrallah, Azéma       The President of the International Competition jury will be French film critic, screenwriter and director Olivier Assayas, who already made his mark at the Festival in 2014 with the acclaimed Sils Maria, starring Juliette Binoche. Being one of the most highly regarded contemporary filmmakers, Assayas has made several full-length features, ranging across a variety of subjects, places and genres. As an auteur for whom fo...

Grossmann Jury announced

KRISTIJAN MILIĆ Director from Zagreb, Croatia. In 2008 his debut feature The Living and the Dead won the Vicious Cat award, while his second film opened the 11th edition of Grossmann in 2015. At our past editions we have also screened his short films, and he has also directed some of the episodes for the first season of acclaimed TV crime series Rest in Peace. His new feature Dead Fish will have its p...

Ken Loach and Małgorzata Szumowska Act As Patrons of young filmmakers recruitment at EFA

At the 52nd Karlovy Vary International Film Festival the European Film Academy (EFA) has launched a campaign to invite young filmmakers to become voting members of the EFA. „We want to encourage our young colleagues to actively take part in our Academy community and activities. We need their inspiration and expertise to bring the Academy into the next decade,“ says Agnieszka Holland, Chairwoman of the EFA Board. „The future is theirs and they are the future – only t...

Fantasia Film Festival 2017 Jury Members

CHEVAL NOIR JURY Jury President Richard Stanley Richard Stanley is a filmmaker, trained anthropologist, ordained priest and lifelong student of the dark arts. As a writer and freelance journalist he has documented conflicts in South Africa, Rwanda, Haiti and Afghanistan, where in the late ’80s he saw action as a mujahedeen, fighting a partisan action against the Russian army. As a film director, his work includes the cyberpunk cult classic HARDWARE (1990), D...

Digital Gym



At the End of the Tunnel wins Golden Space Needle Audience Awards in Seattle Fest for Best Film and Best Director

The Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF), the largest and most highly attended film festival in the United States, today announced the winners of the 2017 Golden Space Needle Audience and Competition Awards. The awards were presented at a ceremony and breakfast held at the Space Needle. The 25-day Festival, which began May 18, featured 400 films representing 80 countries, including 36 World premieres (14 features, 22 shorts), 34 North American premieres (22 features, 12 shorts), 20 US Pr...

Seattle International Film Festival Presents New SIFF 360/VR Award, Sponsored by Pixvana

 360/VR continues to expand the potential of storytelling within the film industry.   As the emerging technologies that power these mediums have evolved over the past few years, the tools and techniques used to craft storytelling in these spaces have begun to evolve as well.  Powered by WonderTek Labs, the 360/VR Storytelling Pop-Up at SIFF Lounge, presented by Vulcan Productions, welcomes all audiences to experience a selection of the best creative 360 and virtual reality ...

Digital Gym


The 8th Taiwan International Children's Film Festival (TICFF)
March 29, 2018 to April 05, 2018
August 15 Early Bird Deadline


Held once every two years, the festival brings young children and adults too, to enjoy the works in this international exhibition, which will take place March 29, 2018 to April 05, 2018. PTS, the organizers of this event, are now signing up entries for this tremendous series of showings, attracting some of the finest film makers from around the world with the lure of USD 25,000 in prize money.  

A biennial film festival, TICFF brings young children and adults to enjoy the works in this international exhibition, which will take place in April 2018 for its eighth edition.

Click to enter via Withoutabox

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact  


Digital Gym

Buffalo Dreams November 3 - 12 2017 Horror Fantasy Calling

July 1, 2017 Regular Deadline I August 28, 2017 Late Deadline I September 7, 2017 Extended Deadline

The dates of the festival are Friday, November 3rd, 2017 – Sunday, November 12th. The first week will be held at the Dipson Theaters Eastern Hills Cinema, located in the Eastern Hills Mall in Williamsville, New York, outside Buffalo. The final three days will be held at the Screening Room Cinema Cafe, located in the Boulevard Mall in Amherst, New York, also outside Buffalo.

Buffalo Dreams is a filmmaker friendly event which celebrates the best independent films from around the world in the following categories: Action, Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction and Thriller. The festival separates content into three divisions: North American (U.S. and Canada), International, and Western New York. The Young Student Filmmaker Award is limited to Western New Yorkers and aims to introduce students under age 17 to the film festival experience. In addition, the Original Screenplay competition is always judged by a professional writer, and the five finalists receive notes from the judge. This year, the competition will be judged by acclaimed horror and humor author Jeff Strand.

Digital Gym



September 22 to October 1, 2017

Oscar-Qualifying Screenings Call For Entries

Submit by July 31, 2017

Filmmakers who would like to get their short film qualified for the 2018 Academy Awards are urged to enter this year’s MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival, which will not only screen to over a 100,000 film buffs in over 250 cinemas across six continents, but will do a full week's run in one cinema in the county of Los Angeles. This theater booking means every film selected as a Finalist in the 2017 MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival is eligible to enter the Oscar competition for 2018. MANHATTAN SHORT is now in compliance with the rules governing the Oscar Awards set forth by the Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences (AMPAS).

Click to enter: http://www.manhattanshort.com/film-entry.html

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Nick Mason



Digital Gym

The World of Film Festival
September 28 – October 1, 2017


July 20, 2017 Extended Deadline

The submissions for the 4th edition of the World of Film International Festival in Glasgow, Scotland are now open. The very earlybird submitters can send their short and feature films across the three main sections of the festival - First Features & Shorts Competition, Female Perspective & Focus on Balkan Cinema. 

Films can be exclusively submitted via Film Freeway by clicking on the link below. 


Email I Website I Facebook I Twitter

Digital Gym

Montreal International Animation Film Festival - ANIMAZE 
August 17 – 20, 2017

Buy your passes with filmfestivals.com discount

In partnership with filmfestivals.com

Montreal International Animation Film Festival is a people's film festival an dindutry conference dedicated to the art of animation for film and technology. 

Animaze is an international film festival and conference exploring the world of animation in all its diversity. Filmmakers and professionals from over 65 countries will converge on Montreal from August 17-20. Filmfestivals.com has partnered with Animaze to offer our audience discount on the industry passes.

Ticket Type Price filmfestivals.com discount   Sales End
Early Bird Festival Pass $145.00 30% off June 19, 2017 
Festival Pass $195.00 30% off July 19, 2017 
Festival Pass $245.00 30% off August 16, 2017 
ALL ACCESS PASS $295.00 30% off August 20, 2017


EMAIL US  FOR DETAILS ON THE DISCOUNT PASSES AUGUST 17 -20, 2017  Click here and use the waiver code filmfestivalscom on filmfreeeway

Animaze - Montreal International Animation Film Festival's blog I Website I Submit I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon

Digital Gym

Horror Calling

RIP Horror Film Festival November 10 -13 - Horror Calling

A genre-defying mixture of horror, sci-fi, myth, mystery and thrills told as four interlocking tales in one intelligent anthology. Ghosts, spirits, creatures, demons...  The Bloody Dolls are Killin It at RIP Horror Hollywood! All filmmakers can submit direct to submissions@riphorrorfilmfest.com Not all submissions will be selected, only TOP 12 Features, TOP 18 Shorts and TOP 20 Micro Shorts will be accepted as official selections. In celebration of our 5th year Fees are FREE for stu...



Digital Gym

Horror Calling

Toronto After Dark Film Festival Oct 12-20, 20 - Horror Calling

Shriekfest Announces its Commercial Contest!

Monsters of Film Festival: The Stockholm based festival is calling with final deadline july 6th

13Horror.com accepting film and screenplay submissions - Horror calling


Digital Gym

Montreal International Animation FIlm Festival premieres JUNOD Japanese Swiss Story of a Hero

Montreal International Animation FIlm Festival annual edition August 17  - 20  2017 (MIAFF) is thrilled to announce the official North American premiere of JUNOD to take place August 19th. Junod produced by Shizuko Tsuya with direction and storyboards by Shinichiro Kimura, is also based on a true story, with a time traveling twist. In 1945, a Swiss doctor named Marcel Junod is appointed head of the Red Cross delegation to Japan. Shocked by the devastation he finds in Hiroshim...

War for the Planet of the Apes, Review: Ape-o-calypse now

War for the Planet of the Apes, Review: Ape-o-calypse now Apes riding horses, wielding rifles, and their leader being an English speaking specimen called Caesar is not enough for the makers of this third instalment of the series—they keep stretching your suspension of disbelief every minute, till they lead you to an apocalypse of a climax, perhaps believing that the word ‘war’ in the title has to be taken very, very seriously. Along the way, the War for the Planet of the Ape...

AMNESIA A film by Barbet Schroeder opens this summer

Opening at Cinema Village in New York and VOD on July 21st *Official Selection of the 2015 Cannes International Film Festival* Directed by: Barbet Schroeder (“Barfly,” “Reversal of Fortune”) Starring: Marthe Keller (“Marathon Man,” “Dark Eyes,””Bobby Deerfield”), Max Reimelt (Sense8), and Bruno Ganz (“Wings of Desire”) **Director Barbet Schroeder and Star Marthe Keller Available for Intervie...

Virtual Reality Showcase at Durban FilmMart 2017

An exploration of the possibilities of Virtual Reality (VR) will be one of the highlights of the 8th Durban FilmMart (DFM), Africa’s premier film finance and co-production forum, which takes place at the Tsogo Sun Elangeni Hotel from July 14 to 17 during the Durban International Film Festival. Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the most exciting emerging technologies on the digital landscape and there is little doubt that it will ultimately have a massive impact on the ways that we consume ...

CaribbeanTales and Durban FilmMart Join Forces to Support African Women Filmmakers

Nicole Brooks, VP,  CaribbeanTales Worldwide Distribution Manager, CaribbeanTales Incubator   CaribbeanTales and the Durban FilmMart present CineFAM - Africa, an accelerator program for African women filmmakers.     CaribbeanTales Media Group (CTMG) and the Durban FilmMart (DFM) partnered to support the development of original serialized television content created by women from Africa and the African Diaspora.    CineFAM is an initiative of CaribbeanTales t...

The Evil Within selected at Splat Film Festival in Poland

  Polish international horror film festival - frightening the masses  at the cinemas in Lublin since 2015. http://www.splatfilmfest.com/?lang=en ...

The Ones to watch By filmfestivals.com July 2017 Selection for your consideration

Films we curate for festivals Dear Festival programmers  I would like to share with you these fine films which I have selected for festival consideration. They are part of our 'Ones To Watch' curated section, all winners!.  And I believe each of them has a story that can change the way we see life.   "Ones to Watch" by filmfestivals.com"  Craddle of Champions          

Rue Morgue CineMacabre Movie Nights presents THE EVIL WITHIN July 27

  Thursday July 27, 2017 Rue Morgue CineMacabre Movie Nights presents THE EVIL WITHIN The Royal Cinema (608 College St, Toronto) 8 PM   Rue Morgue’s CineMacabre Movie Nights promise the best of classic and contemporary horror at The Royal Cinema – once a month, every month.   THE EVIL WITHIN follows developmentally-challenged Dennis Peterson (Frederick Koehler), who thinks he&r...

The Evil Within at the Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival 'PUFF Presents series' July 18

Mark your calendars, the 2nd Annual Philadelphia Unnamed Film Festival will be held from September 28th - October 1st, in the Proscenium Theater at The Drake! Festival Badges will be on sale this summer!   ...

The Evil Within in competition at Grossman 'Vicious Cat'

GROSSMANN FANTASTIC FILM & WINE FESTIVAL runs july 11 to 15 The Evil Within will play in the Vicious Cat competition. On the 90th anniversary of Metropolis, Grossmann will also screen the restored version of Fritz Lang's sci-fi masterpiece, accompanied by live music by Mitja Reichenberg. The Vicious Cat Competition LUST / LYST Norway; 2017; 84 min Written and directed by: Severin Eskeland RON GOOSSENS, LO...

5 screenings for The Evil Within: a Festival Favorite at New Zealand International Film Festival

One of [the] most singularly strange films to come along in a good while. Travis Johnson, FilmInk https://www.nziff.co.nz/2017/auckland/the-evil-within/  The Evil Within 2017 Directed by Andrew Getty INCREDIBLY STRANGE A demon appears in an antique mirror and manipulates a mentally ill young man, urging him to murder the ones he loves in this nightmarish horror, the bonkers cinematic brainchild of the late oil heir Andrew Getty.   ...


  Fantasia is proud to host the world-premiere launch of the new book from Spectacular Optical, “Lost Girls: The Phantasmagorical Cinema of Jean Rollin,” edited by Samm Deighan and penned by all women critics, scholars and film historians. This collection of essays covers the wide range of Rollin’s career, from 1968’s LE VIOL DU VAMPIRE through his 2010 swansong, LE MASQUE DE LA MÉDUSE, touching upon his horror, fantasy, crime and sex films – inclu...

Digital Gym


THE EVIL WITHIN by late Andrew Getty 
Winner in Houston WorldFest and Fantasporto

The sadistic tale of a lonely, mentally handicapped boy who befriends his reflection in an antique mirror. This demonic creature orders him to go on a murderous rampage to kill the people he loves most.
Starring: Frederick Koehler (Death Race), Sean Patrick Flanery (The Boondock Saints), Michael Berryman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) Brianna Brown (General Hospital), Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers), Kim Darby (True Grit)
Written and directed by late Andrew Getty - Produced by Eric Berliner, Michael Luceri - Sales Vision Films Lise Romanoff
Horror, Thriller, 100 Min, 2016 Winner best actor at Fantasporto 2017 
Synopsis I Trailer I Poster I Screener request I Sales I Festival placement
Digital Gym

OFFENSIVE, Jon Ford's thriller.Winner in Houston Worldfest


"They were forced beyond breaking point; they have no regrets, does that make them bad people? The first part of this film will enrage you ! The second part will sate you !". Bruno Chatelin - Filmfestivals.com

A retired couple, Bernard and Helen Martin, inherit a remote house in rural France, the very same village Bernard’s war hero father liberated during the Second World War, over 70 years earlier. This peaceful couple quickly become the target of a crual gang of street kids, who terrorise the village.

An e-generation permanently plugged into their devices, devoid of empathy, a new breed of technological psychopath…Pushed beyond breaking point, can Bernard live up to his father’s legend, as the situation explodes into a brutal war of generations ?

Website I Festival Bookings I Facebook I Contacts @ Production I Synopsis I Trailer I Poster

Digital Gym

Revolution by Rob Stewart  
over 40 festival wins so far

Eco Documentary feature film by Rob Stewart April 2015, 82 minutes (Sharkwater)
Revolution is a film about changing the world. The true-life adventure of Rob Stewart, this follow-up to his acclaimed SHARKWATER (36 festival wins) documentary continues his remarkable journey; one that will take him through 15 countries over four years, and where he'll discover that it's not only sharks that are in grave danger -- it's humanity itself.

Website I Epk on filmfestivals.com I Trailer I Email us for a screener

Digital Gym


Introducing - The Jukebox International Film Festival

The Jukebox International Film Festival (JIFF) is presented in conjunction with Jazz and Beyond: Carson City Music Festival, a month-long, multi-venue concert series. JIFF is designed to compliment the music festival by presenting films that celebrate music and musicians - www.jukeboxiff.org   JIFF will take place at the Brewery Arts Center Performance Hall in Carson City, Nevada on August 15-16, 2017. An awards ceremony will be held at the conclusion of the Festival. All-Access...

44th Telluride Film Festival Announces 2017 Poster Artist Lance Rutter

44th Telluride Film Festival presented by National Film Preserve LTD., proudly announces artist and graphic designer Lance Rutter as its 2017 poster artist. Telluride Film Festival’s prestigious annual gathering for film industry insiders, cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers and critics takes place every Labor Day weekend in the picturesque town of Telluride, Colorado. The 44th edition of TFF will run September 1-4, 2017.   Lance Rutter has spent the last 30+ years of his...

The cut and editing concepts play the lead part in the image of the 65th edition of San Sebastian Festival

  The author of the poster is the graphic design studio from San Sebastian Husmee The winner of the New Directors section is Primer vuelo (First Flight), featuring a “brave” plane as it searches for “a new direction”, designed by Angel Aldarondo, who also created the winning proposal of Horizontes Latinos, Muros (Walls), where an artist paints his “wish for freedom”. The designer Maite Rosende reflects on glass in her creation for Pearls, while Sar...

Line up for The Brainwash Drive-in Bike-in Walk-in Movie Festival

 The Brainwash Drive-In/Bike-In/Walk-In Movie festival Announces the 23rd Annual Festival 2017 Program!!! July 21, 22, 28 & 29/2017 @  Nimby,  8410 Amelia St., Oakland, CA, USA. All shows 9:00 pm.   Friday, July 21, 2017 Hell  No! – Sally Richardson/Dave Krzysik Where Have All The Flowers Gone – Hong Chan* The Heart of a Nation – Doug Birnbaum Impervia – Patrick Devaney Living  Limbo – Paul Aum...

The 13th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival Starts Today

The 13th edition of Grossmann Festival, taking place in Ljutomer, Slovenia, will begin today at 18.00h with the Creatures of Fashion performance and the the presentation of winemakers that take part in this year’s Wine Champion Vicious Cat competition.   The film program begins at 19.00h with Fritz Lang’s science fiction masterpiece Metropolis, accompanied by live music by Mitja Reichenberg.   At 22.00h, Harry Kümel will address the Grossmann audienc...

Shriekfest announces its final call for entries

Shriekfest, the Los Angeles Horror/SciFi Film Festival continues its tradition as Los Angeles' Premier horror film event, presenting an exciting program of films each fall with beautiful Los Angeles as its backdrop. Shriekfest takes place at the legendary Raleigh Studios, which is the largest independent studio operator in the country. We offer filmmakers and film fans alike an ideal setting in a world-famous city, Both established and emerging filmmakers gain media exposure, connect with th...

Golden Apricot (July 9 -16) kicked off in Yerevan

The 14 edition of the Golden Apricot (Vosge Dziran) International Film Festival GAIFF is off and running in Yerevan, the serenely beautiful capital of Armenia.       The Apricots have been duly blessed                   The Majestic old Moskva Cinema on Charles Aznavour, Plaza is the heart of the Golden Apricot Film Festival The opening night film On July 7 was a tribute to early Armenian cinema, an unsual 1927 silent di...

Festival international du Film de Montagne d’Autrans Edition 2017

Provoquer la rencontre, prendre plaisir, titiller le débat, solliciter notre questionnement intérieur… Le festival international du film de montagne d’Autrans s’engage cette année encore sur ses objectifs : être à la fois un lieu de découverte de la montagne sous tous ses aspects et s’imposer comme un foyer de discussions et de rencontres ! Rassembler sur 5 jours, autour de films mais pas uniquement, tous ...

Metropolis at the Opening of the 13th Grossmann Festival

The opening of the 13th Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival on Tuesday, July 11th will feature a special screening of Fritz Lang's sci-fi masterpiece Metropolis, accompanied by live music by Mitja Reichenberg.   There are several reasons for presenting Metropolis at this year's edition of the Grossmann festival. The first, and most obvious, is that Metropolis is a classical science-fiction film and as such needs no special excuse to be screened at a festival dedica...

Digital Gym


Partner Film Festivals Calling. Fast-Approaching Deadlines

Need more and better film submissions for your festival? don't miss the one month booster

Filmfestivals.com was established 1995 as world reference in this niche, we are proud of our track record in helping festivals attract more legitimacy, visibility and film submissions from our large base of international film professionals (370 000 unique filmmaker visitors each month), 159 500 subscribers to the newsletter. ONE TIME OFFER We suggest this quick one month booster program for your call for entry including  with 4 newsletter ads, your call for entry promoted one month lon...  

The Bulletin Board I Pro Services's blog  Advertise your festival in the next eBlast to our filmmakers.   

Major Buzz Factory : Expérience de Bruno Chatelin du marketing Digital pour les films

Fort d'une expérience acquise dans la distribution de films pour deux Majors (Sony et Fox mariée sous a direction avec UGC) Bruno Chatelin propose une expérience pointue au service de votre stratégie digitale à Travers sa structure de Conseil MAJOR BUZZ FACTORY Le fondateur Bruno Chatelin : un Professionnel de la communication entouré de spécialistes, son expérience est ancrée sur trois univers La publicité, Le mark.eting et le digital.

Digital Gym


L’Urban Films Festival revient pour une 12ème édition du 6 au 8 octobre 2017

Initié par RStyle et soutenu par la Mission Cinéma, l’Urban Films Festival est le premier festival du film consacré à la ville, aux pratiques et aux modes de vie qui en émanent. Une compétition de court-métrage parrainée par Jamel Debbouze sur le thème de l’urbain avec des qualifications à l’international, des animations pendant tout un weekend autour des cultures urbaines, mais aussi des rencontres avec l...

La distribution en VOD et le rôle des agrégateurs Nouveau rapport disponible

Les agrégateurs de VOD sont les nouveaux acteurs de la distribution cinématographique numérique ! Mais comment fonctionnent-ils et quel est leur rôle dans la chaîne de valeur de la VOD ? Trouvez les réponses dans notre nouveau rapport gratuit (disponible en anglais): VOD distribution and the role of aggregators ...

PALMARÈS NIFFF 2017 : SUPER DARK TIMES gagne le Narcisse du meilleur film


Ken Loach et Małgorzata Szumowska sont les parrains de la campagne EFA visant à recruter de jeunes réalisateurs

C'est lors du 52e festival international du film de Karlovy Vary que la European Film Academy (EFA) a lancé sa campagne invitant les jeunes réalisateurs à devenir des membres votants au sein de l'EFA. « Nous souhaitons encourager nos jeunes collègues à prendre part aux activités de l'Académie et à rejoindre notre communauté. Leur inspiration et leurs connaissances sont essentielles pour que l'Académi...

Le problème d'infiltration de Robert Morin - clôture de Fantasia



- K-Films Amérique et la Coop Vidéo de Montréal sont heureuses d’annoncer que Le problème d’infiltration, réalisé et scénarisé par Robert Morin, sera présenté en clôture du festival Fantasia dans la section Camera Lucida le 2 août prochain avant de prendre l’affiche au Québec le 25 août. Le film met en vedette Christian Bégin, Sandra Dumaresq, Guy Thauvette et William Monette... 

Malcolm McDowell of A CLOCKWORK ORANGE at Famous Monsters Halloween Bash! 

  Legendary British actor Malcolm McDowell has been announced for the Famous Monsters Halloween Bash! Perhaps most well known for his starring roles in the super-edgy films A CLOCKWORK ORANGE and CALIGULA, McDowell began acting in 1964 and to date has credits in over 250 films. He appeared alongside fellow guests Richard Brake and Jeff Daniel Phillips in Rob Zombie’s 31, as well as both of Zombie’s HALLOWEEN films.  ...

Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival 2017 Awards


On Saturday, the 15th of July, the 13th edition of Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival came to a conclusion with a magnificent closing ceremony.

In our competition programs, the following awards were given:

-VICIOUS CAT for best feature film: THE NIGHT OF THE VIRGIN (La noche del virgen; Spain; 2016; directed by: Roberto San Sebastián)
Special mention: RON GOOSSENS, LOW BUDGET STUNTMAN (Netherlands; 2017; directed by: Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil)

-NOISY CAT for best music documentary: SPIT'N'SPLIT (Belgium; 2017; directed by: Jérôme Vandewattyne)
Special mention: MUSIC IS THE ART OF TIME 2, LP FILM BULDOŽER - SPIT TRUTH INTO THE EYES (Glasba je časovna umetnost 2, LP film Buldožer – Pljuni istini u oči; Slovenia; 2017; directed by: Varja Močnik)

-SLAK'S VICIOUS CAT for best short film: BON APPÉTIT (Albania; 2016; directed by: Erenik Beqiri)

-MELIES D'ARGENT for best European fantastic short film: UNDER THE APPLE TREE (Belgium, Netherlands; 2015; directed by: Erik van Schaaik)

-VICIOUS CAT WINE CHAMPION for best wine: PINOT GRIS 2015 (Vino Graben)

The winning film of the Little Workshop of Horrors is BLOOD BROTHERS (Krvna brata; 2017; directed by: Kristijan Robič).

Jury motivations:

- VICIOUS CAT (Jury: Guy Delmote, Kristijan Milić, Timo Vuorensola)



»It is a disgusting movie, but it's made by people who understand thoroughly the storytelling and are great filmmakers with a fantastic talent and a lot of guts to produce a movie which is so intensely extreme in the form that it's explored.«



»It's a fresh, new and very humorous look into what genre films can also be.«


- NOISY CAT (Jury: Igor Vidmar, Toni Šarić, Dunja Danial)


»Spit'n'Split is a cinematically convincing and authentic portrayal of the life and death of an archetypal underground band on tour. All praise goes to the director for his efficient use of mockumentarism that enhances the emotional dynamics between the band members - the essence of the film. For the viewer, the furious finale reinforces a strong sense of a complete whole that is brought forth by the mockumentary dimension. Multiple viewings are recommended for all bands that are still getting ready to start the van and embark on a tour.«


»The jury gives a special recognition to the film Music is the Art of Time 2 for the innovative visualization of an extremely important album and especially its cover. With the use of witty animation, the authors made up for the scandalous absence of the original documents from the national archives.«



- SLAK'S VICIOUS CAT (Jury: Stephane Everaert, Markus Keuschnigg, Alin Ludu Dumbrava)

»The award is given for the quality craftmanship, political undertone and great ending.«


-MELIES D'ARGENT (Jury: Stephane Everaert, Markus Keuschnigg, Alin Ludu Dumbrava)

UNDER THE APPLE TREE (Belgium, Netherlands; 2015; directed by: Erik van Schaaik)

»The award is given for the overall quality of the film, the humor and the exuberance.«

Films of the International Uranium Film Festival Berlin 2017


These films are selected for the next International Uranium Film Festival in Berlin, October 11 - 15, 2017.

LUCENS(link is external)

Schweiz, 2015, Regisseur Marcel Barelli, Produktion Nicolas Burlet, Nadasdy film und RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera. Animation, 7 min, deutsche Untertitel.  

Die Geschichte des ersten Kernkraftwerks 100 Prozent aus der Schweiz … aber auch des letzten schweizerischen Atomkraft-werks.  Bester Trickfilm Uranium Film Festival 2016. www.lucensfilm.blogspot(link is external)

Als die Sonne vom Himmel fiel(link is external)

Schweiz/Japan 2015, Regie Aya Domenig , Dokumentarfilm, 78min, Japanisch/Deutsch

Auf den Spuren ihres verstorbenen Großvaters, der nach dem Abwurf der Atombombe 1945 als junger Arzt im Rotkreuzspital von Hiroshima gearbeitet hat, begegnet die Regisseurin einem ehemaligen Arzt und einer Krankenschwester, die Ähnliches erlebt haben wie er. Zeit seines Lebens hat ihr Großvater nie über seine Erfahrungen gesprochen, doch durch die große Offenheit ihrer Protagonisten kommt sie ihm näher. Als sich am 11. März 2011 in Fukushima eine neue Atomkatastrophe ereignet, nimmt ihre Suche eine neue Wendung. Filminfo:https://www.alsdiesonnevomhimmelfiel.com(link is external)


Nuclear Cattle 

(link is external)

Japan, 2016, Regie: Tamotsu Matsubara, Produktion Power-i Inc, Documentarfilm, 98 min, Japanisch mit englischen Untertiteln. 

This is the story of innocent cattle farmers forced from the hills they’ve called home for decades due to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Not willing to go along with the government’s plan to slaughter their livestock and livelihoods, the farmers decide to keep their cattle alive as a symbol of resistance in the fight to rid Japan of nuclear power. But the feeding cost is a huge burden. Stripped of their homes and livelihoods and fighting a losing battle against time, many farmers have reached a breaking point. Now, the „radioaktive“ cows became a symbol of the fight against nuclear power. Trailer: 

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The Flesh And the Blood(link is external)

USA 2015, Regie und Produktion: Anna Stasek, Animation, 9 min, Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln. http://cargocollective.com/annastasek/The-Flesh-and-the-Blood(link is external)

The story is set in year 2468 in a desolate Southern California town where industrial pollution, unmanaged radioactive waste and pesticides have reduced nature to small patches of toxic land. The organisms that reside in these toxic patches survived years of manipulation of their natural environment by rapidly evolving into toxic beings themselves. It’s up to Cooper Winkman, the protagonist of the story, to maintain the quarantine on Terminal Island, a hot spot for these creatures. If the toxic creatures spread past the quarantine zone, they could infect the human gene pool and permanently damage the human species. https://ipinspirationanna.tumblr.com(link is external)

Nuclear Zen (link is external)

Deutschland, Japan, Chile 2016, Regie Michael Saup, Produktion Andreas Erhart, Dokumentarfilm, Musik: FM Einheit, Mona Mur & En Esch., 20 min, Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln.  

"Nuclear Zen" dokumentiert ein Gespräch mit Keibo Oiwa, einem japanischen Kulturanthropologen, Bestsellerautoren, Umweltaktivisten und Vortragsreisenden. Er spricht über die Wurzeln der nuklearen Kultur, das Versagen der Politik und die Evolution nuklearer Krisen: "Etwas Positives in etwas sehr Schlechtem zu finden, ist die schwierigste, am meisten herausfordernde Art der Kritik.“ Filminfo: http://1001suns.com/nuclear-zen/(link is external)

Journey without end (link is external)

Japan 2014, Regie und Produktion Masako Sakata, Dokumentarfilm, 78 min, Original mit englischen Untertiteln. 

When Fukushima nuclear plant accident happened, I resorted to a book titled 'Please Listen', a compilation of  anti-nuclear newsletters by my mother who died 16 years ago.Following in her footsteps, I started on a journey questioning nuclear age. Through travels in France, Bikini Atoll, and Kazakhstan, I found scars of nuclear age deeply engraved even after 60 years, and thought this might be Fukushima 60 years from now. We claim to have harnessed the power of the atom, but perhaps it is humankind that is under its control. My journey in search of answers continues. 3 years after the accident, the situation in Fukushima remains dangerous, though it is mostly forgotten in the shade of “economic growth”. In its epilogue, the film shows newly revealed shuddering facts of the accident.  Filminfo/Trailer:  http://www.cine.co.jp/owaranai_tabi/eng/(link is external)


All That Remains(link is external)

UK, 2016, Regie Ian Higgins, Dominic Higgins, Produktion Nigel Martin Davey, Ian Higgins, Dominic Higgins, Dokumentarfilm/Experimental 114 min, Englisch.

“All That Remains”, is a powerful true story of atomic bomb survivor Takashi Nagai, pioneering scientist, Christian convert, and dedicated peace-activist. Takashi Nagai, a descendent of a Samurai family, a patriot and a pioneering scientist emarks upon a quest for the “ultimate truth” – the meaning to life and death. It is a journey of discovery that will change his life forever. An extraordinary story of persecution, courage, faith and love unfolds as he uncovers the Christian legacy of Nagasaki and meets his own destiny. Trailer: http://www.pixelrevolutionfilms.com/all-that-remains2.html(link is external)


Involution(s)(link is external)

Frankreich,  Japan, Regie Cris Ubermann, Experimental, 15 min, Ohne Dialog, Filminfo: http://www.crisubermann.com/(link is external)

The film explores in a 15 minutes introspective audiovisual metaphor different themes such as human condition and the impact on life and nature after a nuclear disaster, and takes place in Japan of today. Meanwhile, the soundtrack supports the effort to combine this abstract representation of perception with the reality of an omnipresent and invisible threat.  Trailer:  

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Fukushima - Die bleibende Katastrophe(link is external)

Deutschland, 2016, Regie und Produktion Marco Kühne,  Sonka Terfehr,  Dokumentarfilm, 18 min, Deutsch

Entwurzelte Menschen und eine auf Jahrhunderte kontaminierte Natur - das ist die Realität, fünf Jahre nach der Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima: In diesem Film begegnen wir Menschen, die nach dem 11. März 2011 ihre Häuser im Evakuierungsgebiet zurück lassen mussten und noch immer nicht wissen, ob oder wann sie zurückkehren werden. Greenpeace ist seit 2011 regelmäßig vor Ort, um Strahlenmessungen durchzuführen, Bodenproben zu nehmen und die offiziellen Dekontaminierungsarbeiten zu beobachten. Heinz Smital, Atomexperte bei Greenpeace, kommt im Film zu der Einschätzung: man wird die Natur, die Berge, die Flüsse, nicht wieder in den ursprünglichen Zustand zurückversetzen können.  Die Folgen eines Reaktorunfalls sind unkontrollierbar. Trailer: http://website.2spot.tv/2016/03/11/fukushima-die-bleibende-katastrophe/(link is external)

Roadside Radiation (link is external)

Ukraine/Deutschland, 2016, Regie Moritz Schulz, Produktion Michael Sladek & Earlybirdpictures GbR, Dokumentarfilm, 55 min,  Russisch/ukrainisch mit deutschen Untertiteln.

Die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl fordert bis heute Menschenleben.  Doch die evakuierte Zone ist nicht verlassen: täglich hasten Arbeiter hinein, jugendliche Abenteurer streifen durch deren surreale Landschaften und ehemalige Bewohner sind in ihre alten Häuser zurückgekehrt.  Der Film portraitiert diese Menschen. „Uns ist es wichtig, dass die Harvarie und ihre Folgen nicht in Vergessenheit geraten.“ Filminfo: http://roadside-radiation.com/index.php/de/ (link is external) - Trailer: 

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Hatutaki - Uranium (link is external)

Deutschland/Tanzania 2016/17, Regie Sophie Filip, Produzent Robert Cordes, Musikvideo, 5 min, Original mit englischen Untertiteln.

The music video informs about the dangers of uranium mining and about what would happen if it took place as recently planed in the area of Bahi in  Tanzania. The Rapper Wakazi is calling for resistance.  The video should serve as means to create awareness in Tanzania and the whole world on the topic of uranium mining in Bahi. The Chorus is sung by the tanzanian group the Harmonies and Sophie Filip. The Beat was produced by Crispy Gold in cooperation with Swahili Records and musicians from Hamburg.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KywqYKXtS2Y(link is external)

The Ray Cat Solution (link is external)

Frankreich, 2015, Regie und Produktion Benjamin Huguet, Animation director Debanjan Nandy, Sound designer Rob Malone, Animierter Dokumentarfilm, 15 min, Französisch/Englisch mit englischen Untertiteln. 

How to create a symbol that travels through time? Nuclear waste lasts for millennia but stone, symbols and language can fade beyond recognition.  In the 1980s, a curious project was proposed by two scientists seeking to send a long-lasting warning to the future:  The semiologists proposed the idea of a cat genetically engineered to change colour in the presence of radiation. The myth is taking hold, and science may follow...  Filminfo:http://www.benjaminhuguet.com/the-ray-cat-solution/ (link is external) -  Trailer 

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The First Place and the Last Place(link is external)

Australien, 2016, Regie und Produktion Phill Storer, Dokumentarfilm, 8 min, Englisch

In 2016 the Australian Federal Government shortlisted a site near Hookina Waterhole in the Ikara-Flinders Ranges as the site for Australia's first nuclear waste dump. The Ikara-Flinders ranges formed 540 million years ago and is a place of great natural beauty and it is also the First Place of the Australian Aboriginal Adnyamathanha people and the story of the the hazards of the dump is told through the eyes of local elder Regina McKenzie. Trailer: 

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Nuclear Waste Land? (link is external)

UK, Regie Timothy Large, Produktion Thomson Reuters Foundation, Dokumentarfilm,14 min, Englisch 

An Australian government plan to build a nuclear waste dump in the foothills of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia’s biggest mountain range and an iconic tourist attraction, has sparked debate over the nation’s nuclear future that highlights a familiar tension between quick economic gain and long-term custodianship of land occupied by Aboriginal people for more than 50,000 years. Traditional landowners call the proposal “cultural genocide” and a desecration of sacred sites rich in archaeological importance to indigenous Adnyamathanha people, while proponents see the promise of jobs and infrastructure. Film/Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gpt46ofCXs (link is external)

Nuclear Hallucinations (link is external)

Indien, UK, 2016, Regie Fathima Nizaruddin, Produktion: Joram ten Brink. Dokumentarfilm, 54 min, Englisch

The film is centered on the anti-nuclear struggle against the Kudankulam Atomic Power Project in South India. In a context where cases of sedition and waging of war against the state are filed against anti-nuclear protesters, the film attempts to question the totalitarian nature of pro-nuclear assertions through comic modes. Satirical impersonations and ironic renderings of jingoistic rhetoric work together to form a narrative that explores the tragic absurdity of constructing nuclear power plants on a tsunami affected coast. Filminfo:https://www.facebook.com/nuclearhallucinations2016/(link is external)


Tschernobyl 3828(link is external)

Ukraine, 2011, Regie Serhiy Zabolotnyy, Produktion, Igor Kobryn, Film studio „Telecon“, Dokumentarfilm,  27 min, Original mit deutschen Untertiteln

A documentary film about the Chernobyl disaster dedicated to the 3,828 "liquidators" who were involved in cleaning the most dangerous areas of the plant roof, the "M" zone.  Twenty-five years have passed since Valeriy Starodumov worked as a dosimeter scout in September 1986. Valeriy worked at the epicenter of the explosion, the reactor's operation area, which was the most radioactive part of the site. The protagonist, a direct participant in the operation, went to the roof himself and brought people there after a failed attempt to clear the area with robots. At the government level, it was decided to assign soldiers and cadets of military schools to the task of cleaning the roofs. Unique pictures of the events of 1986 are widely used in the film. Chernobyl.3828 is dedicated to people who saved the world from the radioactive contamination at the cost of their health and life. 

Film director Sergei Zabolotnyy: "We all know what happened on April 26, 1986 but we know next to nothing about the events of the summer and autumn of 1986. Chernobyl.3828 is just one of many stories you need to know and remember.“  Film/Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zduyeJayD84 (link is external)

Cesium I blodet (Cäsium in meinem Blut) (link is external)

Schweden/Brasilien, 2009, Regie Lars Westman, Co-Produzent Zenildo Barreto, Dokumentarfilm, 70 min, Original mit deutschen Untertiteln

Unvergleichliches Zeitdokument über Lateinamerikas schwersten radioaktiven Unfall und seine Aufräumarbeiten. Im September 1987 verstrahlten 19 Gramm radioaktives Cäsium eines Strahlungsbehandlungsgeräts in der zentralbrasilianischen Landeshauptstadt Goiânia hunderte von Menschen und erzeugten 6000 Tonnen Atommüll.


RUA 57, NÚMERO 60, CENTRO(link is external)

Brasilien 2011, Regie Michael Valim. 9 min, Video-Art / Modern Dance & Music Performance

Zur Erinnerung an den Cäsium-137-Unfall in Goiânia führt die lokale Tanz- und Musikgruppe Vidaseca eine Performance just an dem Ort auf, der vor 30 Jahren hochverstrahlt wurde: Die Rua 57, Hausnummer 60 im Stadtzentrum. Film/Trailer: 

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Algo do que Fica (Etwas das bleibt)(link is external)

Brasilien, 2017, Regie, Benedito Ferreira, Spielfilm, 23 min, Portugiesisch mit deutschen Untertiteln.

Eine persönliche, sensible Auseinander-setzung mit dem Strahlenunfall von Goânia. Beim jüngsten Umweltfilm-festival von Goiás, FICA 2017, bekamen der Kurzspielfilm und sein aus Goiânia stammender Regisseur mehrere Hauptpreise. Trailer:  

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Bons Baisers de Moruroa (Grüße aus Mururoa) (link is external)

Algerien, Frankreich, 2016, Regie Larbi Benchiha, Produktion: Aligal production und France Télévisions, Dokumentarfilm 52 min, Französisch mit deutschen Untertiteln.

Film über Frankreichs Atombombentests im Südpazifik auf Mururoa. Der Filmemacher läßt die überlebenden Veteranen der Atomtests zu Wort kommen, die sich und ihre Familien unwissentlich radioaktiv verstrahlten. "Mein größtes Bedauern ist, dass ich meine Familie kontaminiert habe“,  sagt Florence Bourel, deren Tochter heute an Krebs and anderen radioaktiven Folgekrankheiten leidet. Florence war stolz darauf, für das Wohl Frankreichs zu arbeiten, doch über die tatsächlichen radioaktiven Gefahren wurde sie nicht informiert. Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o42VnV8qYEQ(link is external)




Ground Zero - Sacred Ground (link is external)

USA, 1997, 9 min. Regie: Karen Aqua, Musik von Ken Field, Animation/Trickfilm, ohne Dialog.

In den südwestlichen USA liegt Three Rivers, eine archäologisch reiche Felsformation mit über 10.000 Petroglyphen der Mogollon Menschen die hier zwischen 900 und 1400 n.Chr lebten. Fünfunddreißig Meilen entfernt wurde 1945 die erste Atombombe gezündet. Dieser herrliche Animationsfilm erforscht diese gegensätzlichen Kräfte, ihre Beziehung und Wirkung aufeinander.  Filminfo:http://karenaqua.com/ground_zero.html(link is external)


Niederlande/UK, 2011, Regie: Peter Greenaway, Video Design Irma de Vries, Produktion Change Performing Arts,  Art & Experimental documentary, 13 min, Multilingual.

Experimenteller Film über den Wahnsinn von 2201 atmosphärischen Atombombentests, die den Planeten zwischen 1945 und 1989 erschütterten und verseuchten. In 13 Minuten lässt Peter Greenaway alle 2201 Atombomben auf der Leinwand explodieren.  "Greenaway schafft eine höllische filmische Ästhetik, um diese Wahrheit zu vermitteln."  Ausgezeichnet mit dem „Hors concours“ Uranium Film Festival 2012. Film/Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc3EKAszRAw (link is external)

THE LAST FLOWER(link is external)

Iran, 2013, 6 min, Regie: Sima Baghery, Fiction, Animation, ohne dialog

Ein atomarer Weltkrieg hat fast die ganze Zivilisation ausgelöscht. Alle übriggebliebenen Leute wandern einsam und verlassen durch die Gegend und lehnen sich ab, bis ein junges Mädchen eines Tages die letzte Blume auf dem Angesicht der Welt findet...  Film:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7d2vGDoQMA(link is external)


Deutschland, Japan, 2012, Regie und Produktion: Shoko Hara und Paul Brenner, 4 min, Animation, Deutsch, englische Untertitel.

Ein Trickfilm über die unmittelbaren Auswirkungen bei einem Kind auf die Naturkatastrophe in Japan mit dem Fokus auf den atomaren GAU. Kinder in Fukushima können auf Grund der radioaktiven Strahlung nicht mehr in der Natur spielen. Denn die Natur ist nicht dekontaminierbar. Dies ist nur eine Geschichte von 36.000 Kindern, die zu Hause bleiben und von ihrer Freiheit in der Natur träumen und die Wirklichkeit erleben. Bester Trickfilm Uranium  Film Festival 2013. Film/Trailer: 

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DARKROOM (link is external)

Deutschland, 2011, Regie & Produktion:  Anna Luisa Schmid, 2 min, Trickfilm

Die "Atomare  Kette" im Zeichentrick  vom deutschen Stromverbraucher am Frühstückstisch bis  zum Uranbergbau in Australien.  Film/Trailer:

class="ext" style="width: 10px; height: 10px; padding-right: 12px; background: url("extlink_s.png") 2px 50% no-repeat;">(link is external)

ETERNAL TEARS (link is external)

Ukraine, 2011, Regie und Produktion Kseniya Simonova, 11 min,  Sand-Animationsfilm, ohne Dialog

Ein herrlicher, aus Sand gemachter Animationsfilm. Eternal Tears ist den Kindern von Tschernobyl gewidmet. 25 Jahre nach der Reaktorkatastrophe steigen wieder die Krebsraten gerade bei Kindern in der Ukraine. Kseniya Simonova: “Das Wichtigste ist, sich zu erinnern.”www.simonova.tv/en/blog/


Official Poster of the 10th Annual Iranian Film Festival - San Francisco

2017 Playa Vista Film Festival Events


Playa Vista Film Festival Networking Mixer Event social media posters. 

Playa Vista Film Festival Press Release http://www.pr.com/press-release/721407

The Playa Vista Film Festival held a networking mixer July 14, 2017 at The Work Bar!

Playa Vista Film Festival Work Bar Event


 Playa Vista Film Festival 2017

Gas Natural Fenosa and Isabel Coixet will present the first part of a film on energy efficiency in San Sebastian





  • Gas Natural Fenosa renews its backing of the San Sebastian Festival and announces Proyecto Tiempo (Time Project), a feature film directed by Isabel Coixet and produced by the energy company as part of its Cinergía initiative aimed at expanding commitment to energy savings and efficiency. 
  • The film consists of four pieces, conceived as short films, the first of which will have its premiere at this year's San Sebastian Festival.  

This morning the Managing Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Jordi Garcia Tabernero, announced renewal of the energy company's agreement to back the San Sebastian Festival for the sixth year running. He signed the agreement with the Festival Director, José Luis Rebordinos, revealing that this year's Festival will be the framework for presenting the first part of the Cinergía production on which it is working with the director Isabel Coixet, aimed at expanding commitment to energy savings and efficiency among the general public.

During the event, the energy company announced the details of its second production, Time Project, a film directed by Isabel Coixet, the Spanish female filmmaker to have landed most Goya Awards (5), and starring Pablo Rivero, who was present at the event.  

Jordi Garcia Tabernero confirmed that "we are proud to be able to announce renewal of our promotion of the San Sebastian Festival, the most prestigious in Spain and an international reference, and to announce the details of the fourth edition of Cinergía, our most emblematic project in the field of cinema, which was precisely granted five Suns a few days ago at the Ibero-American Advertising Festival".

Time Project, directed by Barcelona's Isabel Coixet, comprises four parts linked to one another, each one self-standing in its own right. The first of the four will be released in September, at the San Sebastian Festival. At this edition, which will once again enjoy the collaboration of the El Terrat production company and the Arena Media agency, we must mention that the public has played a leading part, having been able to personalise certain key details of the filming by means of the company's film-related social media.  

The feature film was shot in and around Barcelona with, on the cast, Carmen Machi, Lluís Homar, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Charlotte Vega, Óscar Casas, Laia Manzanares, Pablo Rivero, Belén Cuesta, Cristina Castaño, Adrià Collado, Hiba Abouk, Úrsula Corberó, Aitor Luna, Joel Bramona, Brays Efe and Mariona Terés.


Time Project with the Coixet stamp

Time Project is set in the future to portray an evolved society aware of the importance of energy efficiency while looking at the two faces of medium-term technological progress. In this evolved society a biochip is implanted in the brain of every new-born baby coming into the world, representing the most innovative technology of the year 2069. The man leading the initiative, the scientist Pablo Andrade, has an obsessive dream contaminated by a series of dark family secrets which will be gradually revealed to us over half a century of existence.

Time Project. Part I: The Key is the first instalment of the film to be presented at the San Sebastian Festival (September 22-30), starring Úrsula Corberó, Aitor Luna, Joel Bramona and Brays Efe. The little Pablo Andrade has come with his family to an escape room, guided by a peculiar character, Captain Level 7. To escape from time, they must find clues and solve puzzles related to energy efficiency. But Alma will finally change the rules of the game.  

A leap forward in time and we find ourselves in Time Project. Part II: The Cure, starring Carmen Machi, Pablo Rivero, Belén Cuesta and Hiba Abouk. Pablo Andrade is a jobless but promising scientist obsessed with finding a way to cure the brain of his mother, Alma, after a stroke. Not only does the cure return the brain to its former state, it actually enhances it. And when Hugo is born, Alma has no doubts about what she has to do...

In Time Project. Part III: The Game, with Carmen Machi, Lluís Homar, Óscar Casas, Laia Manzanares, Cristina Castaño and Adrià Collado, Hugo Andrade is a teenager who constantly plays an augmented reality game going by the name of Final Game thanks to which he can capture the negative energy of crimes committed in the past and re-channel it through the device called Energyplay. One day, Hugo adjusts the settings to make the game more sensitive, a move that leads him to discover a crime he wasn't prepared for.  

The last part, Time Project. Part IV: Brainstart, has the participation of Carmen Machi, Lluís Homar, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Charlotte Vega and Mariona Terés. In 2069 the brains of all new-born babies are implanted with Brainstart, a biochip providing access to universal knowledge. Its inventor, Pablo Andrade, tested the system on his own child, Hugo, known all over the world as The Pioneer. Years later, Hugo is about to become a father for the first time; but his wife, Eva, refuses to have Brainstart implanted in her baby. The last Part of Cinergía IV promises to keep us on the edge of our seats until the very end, with an outcome that will reveal the whole truth about the Andrade family.  


Global recognition of CINERGÍA

The first three editions have harvested a distinction that reflects the success of the initiative to date: more than 53 million TV and Internet viewings (of these, 32 million are due to the record number of viewings recorded in the third edition), a rise of 23.5% in conversations on energy efficiency, and around 80,000 social media followers.

Cinergía has also received the backing of the communication and marketing industry. Among the latest awards received are five Suns at the last Ibero-American Advertising Festival and the golds in Branded Content and Transmedia Campaigns at the IAB Inspirational Awards. It also landed a Silver and a Bronze award for Effectiveness in the media from the Spanish Association of Advertisers and the CultHunting Award for best corporate project linked to art and innovation.


GAS NATURAL FENOSA: sponsor of Spanish cinema

Seen as the leading sponsor of cinema in Spain according to the 2016 Millward Brown Survey, GAS NATURAL FENOSA has been linked to the film industry since 2008 thanks to supporting the country's biggest festivals and cinemas. Among others, it sponsors the San Sebastian Festival, the Sitges Film Festival, Madrid Premiere WeekMalaga Spanish Film Festival, the FEROZ® Critics Awards and the Cartagena International Film Festival, while more than 40 cinemas in Spain's Cinesa network bear the name of GAS NATURAL FENOSA. Together with the Spanish Film Academy, the company also fosters access to culture with its Gas Natural Fenosa Travelling Cinema Seasons.


Official Sponsors:

rtve.esGas Natural - Fenosamovistar+

Official Collaborators:

Associated Institutions:

Ayuntamiento de San SebastiánDiputación de GipuzcoaGobierno VascoMinisterio de cultura, educación y deporte

Festival de San Sebastián
© San Sebastian International Film Festival | Castellano | Euskara | English |



Network meeting between the Odessa International Film Festival and the FilmFestival Cottbus in Ukraine




The 7th Odessa International Film Festival discusses how film festivals can invigorate civil society dialogue in Eastern Europe during a network meeting that has been jointly organised with the FilmFestival Cottbus. The event is supported by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany.


In Eastern Europe, also, the medium of film reflects on social and historical taboo issues, thereby promoting civil society dialogue. However, this can on occasion lead to political pressure being inflicted on film makers, but also on film festivals, which perceive themselves as forums for social dialogue. Representatives of renowned Eastern European film festivals now meet to evaluate the situation: what can film festivals contribute to civil society dialogue? What are the problems arising from this? To what extent do economic and political framework conditions impact on festival programme planning?

In parallel, select films in the festival programme illustrate how civil society values may be conveyed. At the same time, the event promotes networking between the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova) and Russia. The network meeting in Odessa thus establishes a context for sustained exchange regarding content between film festivals and film festival initiatives in Eastern Europe.

Bernd Buder, Programme Director of the FilmFestival Cottbus, hosts the panel discussion within the scope of this project: “We are delighted that this meeting gives us the opportunity for intensifying the cooperation and content-related exchange with film festivals in the Eastern Partnership countries and Russia.” The majority of film festivals perceive themselves as a go-between and understand film to be a medium that provides audiences with independent insights into a society’s current situation. The conference promotes social and transnational dialogue and strengthens cooperation in the film industry. It may be seen as a reaction to the politically charged situation in Eastern Europe. The second part of the network meeting will take place in the context of the 27th FilmFestival Cottbus (7 to 12 November).

The 27th FilmFestival Cottbus receives substantial support from the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, the City of Cottbus, the German Federal Foreign Office, the European Union’s Creative Europe programme and the German Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. 

Artwork and first glimpse of Vesoul IFFAC 2018





Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas proudly presents the 24th edition poster. The painting by friend and artist Fabien Bigotte features elements of our 2018 program: the main topic is WOMEN SPEAK, country in focus will be MONGOLIA with many rare and remastered Mongolian Cinema Classics. The 24th edition will include a retrospective of all fiction features and documentaries of Syrian filmmaker MOHAMMAD MALAS, as well as atribute to Chinese director WANG XIAOSHUAI. Beside our FICTION FEATURE and DOCUMENTARIES COMPETITION, we will also strengthen our PREMIERE, YOUNG AUDIENCE and JAPANIME sections. Not to mention the conferences and debates, special nights, laughters, discussions and happiness to bring together audiences and professionals...VIFFAC - an expression of true passion.









9 FRENCH / EUROPEAN / WORLD PREMIERE movies in competition, chosen amidst more than 800 reviewed titles.





8 documentary features chosen amidst more than 300 reviewed titles.









22 movies to get a slight idea about women's condition in Asia (and other parts of the world).





12 Mongolian titles, very rare, shot between 1936 and 2017.









Retrospective of all fiction features and documentaries of the master of Syrian Cinema.





A tribute to Wang Xiaoshuai, director of instant classics, such as BEIJING BICYCLE, SHANGHAI DREAMS and IN LOVE WE TRUST, amidst others.









Premiere screenings of Asian movies about to be released for (local) cinema owners and general audiences.





Movies for young and old on Wednesday afternoon and (family) Sunday.









Japanese Animation for young and old.








Information :


FICA - Festival International des Cinémas d'Asie

25 rue du docteur Doillon 70 000 VESOUL - FRANCE

Tel : +33 (0)3 84 76 55 82 - Fax : +33 (0)3 84 96 01 43 


Website: www.cinemas-asie.com


Press:  Bastian Meiresonne : +33 6 12 94 12 73

        Jean-Marc Thérouanne : +33 6 84 84 87 46






Feel the Festival Beat of the circuit this past week Volume 778



Wishing you all much success on the festival circuit!

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Discount Passes for Montreal International Animation Film Festival for our audience

Animaze is an international film festival and conference exploring the world of animation in all its diversity. Filmmakers and professionals from over 65 countries will converge on Montreal from August 17-20. Filmfestivals.com has partnered with Animaze to offer our audience discount on the industry passes.  http://animazefestival.com

Digital Gym

VENICE FILM FESTIVAL & INDUSTRY August 30 - September 9, 2017

Jane Fonda and Robert Redford to receive Lifetime Achievement at the 74th Venice Festival

The decision was made by the Board of Directors of La Biennale di Venezia, upon recommendation of the Director Alberto Barbera   Fonda and Redford perform together in "Our Souls at Night", which will be screened after the Award Ceremony Iconic American actors Jane Fonda and Robert Redford have each been awarded the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 74th Venice International Film Festival (30 August ...

Downsizing by Alexander Payne is the opening film of the 74th Venice Film Festival

World premiere screening on Wednesday August 30th   The fims stars Matt Damon, Christoph Waltz, Hong Chau, and Kristen Wiig Downsizing, directed by Alexander Payne (Sideways, The Descendants, Nebraska) starring Matt Damon,Christoph Waltz,Hong Chau and Kristen Wiig will be the opening film, in Competition, of the 74th Venice International Film Festival (30 August – 9 September 2017) directed by Albert...

The second edition of the Venice Production Bridge will take place from August 31st to September 5th

The second edition of the Venice Production Bridge will take place from August 31st to September 5th at the third floor of the Excelsior Hotel of the Lido di Venezia. The idea of building an opportunity for networking for all the professionals involved in production, not only in cinema but across all the audiovisual sector, has shown its relevance in the huge success of the first edition, with a 35% increase of accredited professionals and an enthusiastic feedback from all participants. T...

74th Venice International Film Festival - On-line pre-sales opened

This year, the screenings schedule will span over 11 days, from Wednesday 30th of August to Saturday 9th of September. The official line-up of the 74th Venice Film Festival will be announced at the official press conference which will take place in Rome on 27th of July. Season tickets presale will be available also this year from the 17th of July at 3pm www.boxol.it/biennalecinema Season tickets will be available for the following time slots: Sala Grande:  5 pm, 7.30 


 Digital Gym




Carlos Muguiro will be the director of the new Film School promoted by the Provincial Government

He designed the teaching curriculum of the Film School of the Community of Madrid (ECAM), and currently he is the head of the specialty Documentary Cinema in the same school. He has an accredited experience in the world of cinema as programmer, creator, teacher and researcher. Itxaso has said that “the winning project, The hypothesis of cinema, with a brilliant development, proposes a model of School which fully concurs with the idea outlined in this project”. Carlos Muguir...

Pardo d’onore Manor for Todd Haynes

  On Monday 7th August the Festival will pay homage to U.S. director, screenwriter and producer Todd Haynes. His latest film Wonderstruck will be screened in company with Poison, one of the featured titles in Locarno70, the sidebar dedicated to celebrating the Festival’s 70th anniversary.   The Locarno Festival offers tribute with the Pardo d’onore Manor to American director, screenwriter and producer Todd Haynes. At the 1991 Locarno Festival there were 19 movies contend...

Iconic horror film-maker, of the Living Dead fame, Romero dies at 77

Iconic horror film-maker, of the Living Dead fame, Romero dies at 77 Often called the father or progenitor of the modern zombie movie, American film director George A. Romero has died of lung cancer, in Toronto. He was 77. George A. Romero passed away on Sunday July 16, listening to the score of The Quiet Man, one of his all-time favorite films, with his wife, Suzanne Desrocher Romero, and daughter, Tina Romero at his side. He died peacefully in his sleep. Born in The Bronx, to a Cuban-born ...

Actor Martin Landau, Oscar-winner at 66, dies, aged 89

Actor Martin Landau, Oscar-winner at 66, dies, aged 89 Martin Landau, who landed his first and only Oscar in 1994, at age 66, playing Bela Lugosi in the Ed Wood biopic, has died, aged 89. He is also well-remembered as the star of the Mission: Impossible TV series (1966-69). Starting his career in 1959, he had been nominated for the Academy Award twice before, for Tucker: The Man and His Dream (Francis Ford Coppola, 1988) and Crimes and Misdemeanours (Woody Allen, 1989). Brooklyn-born Landau ...

Leslie Zemeckis: On Making Emojis From Her Film, Plus A Lady & A Tiger

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent It’s fitting that Leslie Zemeckis is in Italy when we decide to do an interview, because the word burlesque is derived from Italian roots in “burla,” meaning mockery, to poke fun yet shine a spotlight on sexuality. Actor, writer, documentarian Zemeckis has just come out with a line of burlesque emojis inspired by a project she did on Lili St Cyr, among other performers, but the line from her Showtime documentary BEHIND THE BUR...

Actor Martin Landau dies

Martin Landau  (June 20, 1928 – July 15, 2017) was an American film and television actor. His career began in the 1950s, with early film appearances including a supporting role in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest (1959). He played regular roles in the television series Mission: Impossible (for which he received several Emmy Award nominations and a Golden Globe Award) and Space: 1999.   Landau received the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – ...

Locarno Talks la Mobiliare: the visionary power of words

Locarno Talks     What happens when people try to shape the future? This is the underlying question for the concept behind Locarno Talks, a new platform for discussion and exchange set up by the Locarno Festival together with its Main partner la Mobiliare and featuring guests from the world of politics, economics and the arts. For the first run of the event, which will be held from 6 thr...

Pardo d’onore Manor for Jean-Marie Straub

Pardo d’onore Manor for Jean-Marie Straub  Born in France in 1933, with a career that stretches back over sixty years and that plowed a distinct furrow across the field of 20th century cinema. The Pardo d’onore Manor of the 70th Locarno Festival will be given to Jean Marie Straub on August the 11th 2017. Benchmark auteur for generations of moviegoers and directors, Straub spent much of his lifetime with his partner in art and life, Danièle Huillet (1936 – 2006) ...

RIP George A. Romero, father of the zombie apocalypse

"It is with great sadness that Famous Monsters acknowledges the death of a horror great: George A. Romero, father of the zombie apocalypse, visionary filmmaker and master of social commentary. The NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD writer and director was 77 and, according to reports, passed away after a brief battle with lung cancer. Romero’s influence on the pop culture world is nearly incalculable. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, DAWN OF THE DEAD, and DAY OF THE DEAD are unique and unch...

Rob Stewart's motivations for Revolution

MAKE A DONATION IN MEMORY OF ROB STEWART Rob Stewart accomplished so much in his life, but there’s still more to do. To honour Rob’s memory, the Stewart family is collecting donations through WWF-Canada in order to continue his conservation work. You can help by visiting wwf.ca/robstewartfund and WWF-Canada will hold the proceeds in a fund to help carry on Rob’s legacy. A tax receipt will be issued. Make A Donation   ...

Digital Gym



John Toll to receive Camerimage Lifetime Achievement Award

We are very proud to announce that John Toll, ASC, will be the recipient of Camerimage Lifetime Achievement Award during the upcoming 25th anniversary edition of the International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography, which will be held in Bydgoszcz between 11th and 18th November 2017. Toll is an American cinematographer and two-time Academy Award® winner with over four decades of experience in film and television. He has collaborated with such filmmakers as The Wac...

Golden Apricot Awards, Yerevan 2017

by Alex Deleon   Winning film director Sanal Kumar Sasidharan expressing his surprise and gratitude as Jury president High Hudson looks on   The Awards accorded by the International jury at Yerevan 2017 proved once again that festival prizes like Hollywood Oscars are next to meaningless. A Gold plated jury consisting of emminent filmmakers  such as Hugh Hudson of England, Aniko Enyedi of Hungary, and Ciro Guerra of Columbia, named a piece of cinematic trash, the In...

Grossmann Festival 2017 Awards

On Saturday, the 15th of July, the 13th edition of Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival came to a conclusion with a magnificent closing ceremony. In our competition programs, the following awards were given: -VICIOUS CAT for best feature film:  THE NIGHT OF THE VIRGIN (La noche del virgen; Spain; 2016; directed by: Roberto San Sebastián) Special mention: RON GOOSSENS, LOW BUDGET STUNTMAN (Netherlands; 2017; directed by: Steffen Haars, Flip Van der...

Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival 2017 Awards

On Saturday, the 15th of July, the 13th edition of Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival came to a conclusion with a magnificent closing ceremony. In our competition programs, the following awards were given: -VICIOUS CAT for best feature film: THE NIGHT OF THE VIRGIN (La noche del virgen; Spain; 2016; directed by: Roberto San Sebastián) Special mention: RON GOOSSENS, LOW BUDGET STUNTMAN (Netherlands; 2017; directed by: Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil) -NOISY CAT ...

Digital Gym


The 8th Taiwan International Children's Film Festival (TICFF)
March 29, 2018 to April 05, 2018
August 15 Early Bird Deadline


Held once every two years, the festival brings young children and adults too, to enjoy the works in this international exhibition, which will take place March 29, 2018 to April 05, 2018. PTS, the organizers of this event, are now signing up entries for this tremendous series of showings, attracting some of the finest film makers from around the world with the lure of USD 25,000 in prize money.  

A biennial film festival, TICFF brings young children and adults to enjoy the works in this international exhibition, which will take place in April 2018 for its eighth edition.

Click to enter via Withoutabox

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact  


Digital Gym

Buffalo Dreams November 3 - 12 2017 Horror Fantasy Calling

July 1, 2017 Regular Deadline I August 28, 2017 Late Deadline I September 7, 2017 Extended Deadline

The dates of the festival are Friday, November 3rd, 2017 – Sunday, November 12th. The first week will be held at the Dipson Theaters Eastern Hills Cinema, located in the Eastern Hills Mall in Williamsville, New York, outside Buffalo. The final three days will be held at the Screening Room Cinema Cafe, located in the Boulevard Mall in Amherst, New York, also outside Buffalo.

Buffalo Dreams is a filmmaker friendly event which celebrates the best independent films from around the world in the following categories: Action, Animation, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction and Thriller. The festival separates content into three divisions: North American (U.S. and Canada), International, and Western New York. The Young Student Filmmaker Award is limited to Western New Yorkers and aims to introduce students under age 17 to the film festival experience. In addition, the Original Screenplay competition is always judged by a professional writer, and the five finalists receive notes from the judge. This year, the competition will be judged by acclaimed horror and humor author Jeff Strand.

Digital Gym



September 22 to October 1, 2017

Oscar-Qualifying Screenings Call For Entries

Submit by July 31, 2017

Filmmakers who would like to get their short film qualified for the 2018 Academy Awards are urged to enter this year’s MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival, which will not only screen to over a 100,000 film buffs in over 250 cinemas across six continents, but will do a full week's run in one cinema in the county of Los Angeles. This theater booking means every film selected as a Finalist in the 2017 MANHATTAN SHORT Film Festival is eligible to enter the Oscar competition for 2018. MANHATTAN SHORT is now in compliance with the rules governing the Oscar Awards set forth by the Academy of Motion Pictures of Arts and Sciences (AMPAS).

Click to enter: http://www.manhattanshort.com/film-entry.html

Website I Submit I Facebook I Twitter I Contact Nick Mason



Digital Gym

The World of Film Festival
September 28 – October 1, 2017


July 20, 2017 Extended Deadline

The submissions for the 4th edition of the World of Film International Festival in Glasgow, Scotland are now open. The very earlybird submitters can send their short and feature films across the three main sections of the festival - First Features & Shorts Competition, Female Perspective & Focus on Balkan Cinema. 

Films can be exclusively submitted via Film Freeway by clicking on the link below. 


Email I Website I Facebook I Twitter

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Montreal International Animation Film Festival - ANIMAZE 
August 17 – 20, 2017

Buy your passes with filmfestivals.com discount

In partnership with filmfestivals.com

Montreal International Animation Film Festival is a people's film festival an dindutry conference dedicated to the art of animation for film and technology. 

Animaze is an international film festival and conference exploring the world of animation in all its diversity. Filmmakers and professionals from over 65 countries will converge on Montreal from August 17-20. Filmfestivals.com has partnered with Animaze to offer our audience discount on the industry passes.

Ticket Type Price filmfestivals.com discount   Sales End
Early Bird Festival Pass $145.00 30% off June 19, 2017 
Festival Pass $195.00 30% off July 19, 2017 
Festival Pass $245.00 30% off August 16, 2017 
ALL ACCESS PASS $295.00 30% off August 20, 2017


EMAIL US  FOR DETAILS ON THE DISCOUNT PASSES AUGUST 17 -20, 2017  Click here and use the waiver code filmfestivalscom on filmfreeeway

Animaze - Montreal International Animation Film Festival's blog I Website I Submit I Facebook Twitter I Contact Laurie Gordon

Digital Gym

Horror Calling

FEARnyc New York's premier horror film festival October 27 – 29, 2017 - Horror Calling


SUBMIT I WEBSITE  I CONTACT I Facebook I Twitter I Instagram

August 1, 2017 Extended Deadline I September 1, 2017 Final Deadline

FEARnyc is New York's City's biggest horror film festival. Sponsored by Bloody Disgusting and Dread Central, FEARnyc features screenings of dozens of new horror films in the days leading up to Halloween. The 2017 festival will take place October 27 – 29, 2017 at The Sonnet Theater in Times Square, NYC. Click here to submit a film.


RIP Horror Film Festival November 10 -13 - Horror Calling

A genre-defying mixture of horror, sci-fi, myth, mystery and thrills told as four interlocking tales in one intelligent anthology. Ghosts, spirits, creatures, demons...  The Bloody Dolls are Killin It at RIP Horror Hollywood! All filmmakers can submit direct to submissions@riphorrorfilmfest.com Not all submissions will be selected, only TOP 12 Features, TOP 18 Shorts and TOP 20 Micro Shorts will be accepted as official selections. In celebration of our 5th year Fees are FREE for stu...



Digital Gym

Horror Calling

Toronto After Dark Film Festival Oct 12-20, 20 - Horror Calling

Shriekfest Announces its Commercial Contest!

Monsters of Film Festival: The Stockholm based festival is calling with final deadline july 6th

13Horror.com accepting film and screenplay submissions - Horror calling


Digital Gym

Polish Days titles announced for New Horizons IFF

Dorota Kędzierzawska’s Speedway, Borys Lankosz’s Dark, Almost Nighttime and Magnus von Horn’s Sweat among 25 projects in Poland’s most important industry showcase.   The 2017 edition of Polish Days will take place August 8-10 during the 17th T-Mobile New Horizons International Film Festival (August 3-13, 2017). This year's event will feature 5 completed films, 9 as part of a presentation of works in progress and 11 projects in development. Full list of select...

Are you eligible for The Lexus Australia Short Film Fellowship

  With just five weeks until submissions close (24 August), Sydney Film Festival and Lexus Australia are encouraging all Australian filmmakers to make their submissions for the Lexus Australia Short Film Fellowship. To be eligible, filmmakers will need to enter the international competition, Lexus Short Films. Lexus Short Films is a global contest that gives four filmmakers the chance to collaborate with Oscar-winning film studio The Weinstein Company o...

Alejandro Jodorowsky's ENDLESS POETRY opens Wider 7/21 & 7/28

    OPENING SELECT MARKETS JULY 21ST & July 28TH OPENED NY/LA THEATRICALLY JULY 14TH *Directors Fortnight - Cannes Film Festival 2016* *Official Selection - Locarno Film Festival 2016* "Most artists reach a point in their careers where their productivity winds down.  At 87, Alejandro Jodorowsky speaks as though he's just getting started" INDIEWIRE "Endless Poetry is the most accessible movie he has ever made, and it may also be the best.  It...

Josh Brolin Was Always on the Hot Side & Now Hotshot Side in ONLY THE BRAVE

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent This opener from ONLY THE BRAVE’s official notes says it best: “All men are created equal... then, a few become firefighters." Josh Brolin stars with Miles Teller to bring the Granite Mountain fire epic to life. Expect this movie to drop Oct. 20, when the summer heat is gone. It’s based on an article by Boston Phoenix alum Sean Flynn, who wrote “No Exit” for GQ magazine upon which ONLY THE BRAVE is based. Should...

Thirteen first and second films to compete for the Kutxabank-New Directors Award

Thirteen first and second films by filmmakers from Argentina, Belgium, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Philippines, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan to compete for the Kutxabank-New Directors Award   Share on Facebook   Share on Twitter Images in high resolution At a news conference held today, the San Sebastian Festival Director, J...

Holy Smokes, That Professor Marston Has Some Women Wondering, Wow

By Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Summer is when the blood is up, so this is perfect timing for the convergent efforts of two famous daughters, Megan Ellison and Amy Redford, to bring justice to the humans behind the superhero capes. And it’s directed by a woman, Angela Robinson. What the what, you may say? PROFESSOR MARSTON & THE WONDER WOMEN, starring Luke Evans and Rebecca Hall, is the smoking hot ménage à trois, allegedly a true story, behind the Wo...

"Intent to Destroy" Genocide Denial Opus closes Yerevan Festival

by  Alex Delonian,  <Filmfestivals.com> NOTE: Armenian Genocide denial is the act of denying the planned systematic genocide  of 1.5 million Armenians during World War I, conducted by the Ottoman government As a form of denialism, it can be compared to similar national historical revisionisms such as Holocaust denial and Nanking Massacre denial.  The 2017 Yerevan film festival closed appropriately with a brutally frank exposition of the outrageous ongoing Turkish de...


By Alex Deleon      The peak film of the Yerevan week was without a doubt "Le Cercle Rouge", the 1970 all star masterpiece gangland thriller by Jean-Pierre Melville.  Less well know than his younger Nouvelle Vague disciples, Truffaut and Godard, but a much better filmmaker, Melville specialized in deliberately paced psychological thrillers in which top French stars gave some of their best performances. At the very beginning we are informed that the cryptic title...

Locarno Festival, a 360° experience

        Locarno Festival, a 360° experience       Five days of free screenings, concerts and Dj sets will herald the inception of the 70th edition of the Locarno Festival and will accompany it beyond its closing date. This year, the 360° offering of this event is thus enhanced, creating an increasingly involving and rich experience thanks to two novel places, a garden in the heart of the Old Town and a new place to meet a...

Internet Film Festival

The Internet Film Festival will be held December 1-2, 2018.  Call for submissions is now open.  With 23 categories, your film will have a showcase. ...

Digital Gym


THE EVIL WITHIN by late Andrew Getty 
Winner in Houston WorldFest and Fantasporto

The sadistic tale of a lonely, mentally handicapped boy who befriends his reflection in an antique mirror. This demonic creature orders him to go on a murderous rampage to kill the people he loves most.
Starring: Frederick Koehler (Death Race), Sean Patrick Flanery (The Boondock Saints), Michael Berryman (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) Brianna Brown (General Hospital), Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers), Kim Darby (True Grit)
Written and directed by late Andrew Getty - Produced by Eric Berliner, Michael Luceri - Sales Vision Films Lise Romanoff
Horror, Thriller, 100 Min, 2016 Winner best actor at Fantasporto 2017 
Synopsis I Trailer I Poster I Screener request I Sales I Festival placement
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OFFENSIVE, Jon Ford's thriller.Winner in Houston Worldfest


"They were forced beyond breaking point; they have no regrets, does that make them bad people? The first part of this film will enrage you ! The second part will sate you !". Bruno Chatelin - Filmfestivals.com

A retired couple, Bernard and Helen Martin, inherit a remote house in rural France, the very same village Bernard’s war hero father liberated during the Second World War, over 70 years earlier. This peaceful couple quickly become the target of a crual gang of street kids, who terrorise the village.

An e-generation permanently plugged into their devices, devoid of empathy, a new breed of technological psychopath…Pushed beyond breaking point, can Bernard live up to his father’s legend, as the situation explodes into a brutal war of generations ?

Website I Festival Bookings I Facebook I Contacts @ Production I Synopsis I Trailer I Poster

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Revolution by Rob Stewart  
over 40 festival wins so far

Eco Documentary feature film by Rob Stewart April 2015, 82 minutes (Sharkwater)
Revolution is a film about changing the world. The true-life adventure of Rob Stewart, this follow-up to his acclaimed SHARKWATER (36 festival wins) documentary continues his remarkable journey; one that will take him through 15 countries over four years, and where he'll discover that it's not only sharks that are in grave danger -- it's humanity itself.

Website I Epk on filmfestivals.com I Trailer I Email us for a screener

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Artwork and first glimpse of Vesoul IFFAC 2018

Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinemas proudly presents the 24th edition poster. The painting by friend and artist Fabien Bigotte features elements of our 2018 program: the main topic is WOMEN SPEAK, country in focus will be MONGOLIA with many rare and remastered Mongolian Cinema Classics. The 24th edition will include a retrospective of all fiction features and documentaries of Syrian filmmaker MOHAMMAD MALAS, as well as atribut...

Network meeting between the Odessa International Film Festival and the FilmFestival Cottbus in Ukraine

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Gas Natural Fenosa and Isabel Coixet will present the first part of a film on energy efficiency in San Sebastian

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2017 Playa Vista Film Festival Events

The Playa Vista Film Festival held a networking mixer July 14, 2017 at The Work Bar!     ...

Official Poster of the 10th Annual Iranian Film Festival - San Francisco

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Films of the International Uranium Film Festival Berlin 2017

These films are selected for the next International Uranium Film Festival in Berlin, October 11 - 15, 2017. LUCENS(link is external) Schweiz, 2015, Regisseur Marcel Barelli, Produktion Nicolas Burlet, Nadasdy film und RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera. Animation, 7 min, deutsche Untertitel.   Die Geschichte des ersten Kernkraftwerks 100 Prozent aus der Schweiz … aber auch des letzten schweizerischen Atomkraft-werks.  Bester Trickfilm Uranium Film Festival 2016. www.l...

Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival 2017 Awards

On Saturday, the 15th of July, the 13th edition of Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival came to a conclusion with a magnificent closing ceremony. In our competition programs, the following awards were given: -VICIOUS CAT for best feature film: THE NIGHT OF THE VIRGIN (La noche del virgen; Spain; 2016; directed by: Roberto San Sebastián) Special mention: RON GOOSSENS, LOW BUDGET STUNTMAN (Netherlands; 2017; directed by: Steffen Haars, Flip Van der Kuil) -NOISY CAT ...

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Partner Film Festivals Calling. Fast-Approaching Deadlines

Need more and better film submissions for your festival? don't miss the one month booster

Filmfestivals.com was established 1995 as world reference in this niche, we are proud of our track record in helping festivals attract more legitimacy, visibility and film submissions from our large base of international film professionals (370 000 unique filmmaker visitors each month), 159 500 subscribers to the newsletter. ONE TIME OFFER We suggest this quick one month booster program for your call for entry including  with 4 newsletter ads, your call for entry promoted one month lon...  

The Bulletin Board I Pro Services's blog  Advertise your festival in the next eBlast to our filmmakers.   

Major Buzz Factory : Expérience de Bruno Chatelin du marketing Digital pour les films

Fort d'une expérience acquise dans la distribution de films pour deux Majors (Sony et Fox mariée sous a direction avec UGC) Bruno Chatelin propose une expérience pointue au service de votre stratégie digitale à Travers sa structure de Conseil MAJOR BUZZ FACTORY Le fondateur Bruno Chatelin : un Professionnel de la communication entouré de spécialistes, son expérience est ancrée sur trois univers La publicité, Le mark.eting et le digital.

Digital Gym


L'affiche de la 24e édition du Festival International des Cinémas d'Asie de Vesoul se dévoil

L'affiche de la 24e édition du Festival International des Cinémas d'Asie de Vesoul se dévoile. Pensée, conçue et peinte à la main par notre ami et artiste Fabien Bigotte, elle reprend l'ensemble des premières pistes de programmation: une thématique dédiée aux PAROLES DES FMMES, un focus dédié au cinéma MONG...

Festival International du Film de La Rochelle - 2017...C'est fait!

Chères amies, Chers amis, Cela devient presque une habitude mais comment ne pas s’en réjouir ? L’édition du Festival 2017, la 45e, est la meilleure que nous ayons jamais connue. Le précédent record de fréquentation de 2016 est battu : nous totalisons 84 737 entrées salles (contre 80 862 ) et 90 072 pour la fréquentation globale (contre 85...

La France domine la programmation de la 28e édition de Cartoon Forum avec 28 projets

28 PROJETS FRANÇAIS DE SERIES TV A LA CONQUETE DU CARTOON FORUM DE TOULOUSE DU 11 AU 14 SEPTEMBRE La région Occitanie-Pyrénées-Méditerranée sera représentée avec trois projets : "Chicken of the dead" de Anoki, "AVNI, unidentified friendly oddity" de Milan et "The Survival of the Species" de Xbo films. Toulouse, le 6 juillet 2017 - La ville de Toulouse accueillera la 28e édition de Cartoon Forum, la ...

Jeune femme, la Caméra d’Or, en ouverture du FIFF Namur

Un chat sous le bras, des portes closes, rien dans les poches, Paula est de retour à Paris après une longue absence. Au fil des rencontres, la jeune femme est bien décidée à prendre un nouveau départ. Avec panache. ...


First details of 11th Five Flavours Asian Film Festival programme


The wisdom of the Buddhist priestess, Japanese erotic films and avant-garde treasures of film archives: Five Flavours reveals first details of this year’s diverse and exciting programme.

The world of Asian cinema is growing and expanding rapidly: artists from the smallest regions of the continent are finding their way to international festival audiences, independent filmmakers unite across borders to speak out about the most difficult subjects, the producers of local blockbusters are more and more successful in competing with global giants. Five Flavours Film Festival for the 11th time invites everyone to discover and experience this bustling universe. The viewers will have a chance to encounter the wildest productions of Asian pop culture, to admire contemplative film poems and to engage in discussions about art, politics and challenges of the modern world.

Below we present the main sections of the 11th edition of the Festival.

The Festival Passes will be available from August 1st!




Located in the eastern Himalayas, the Kingdom of Bhutan has less than a million inhabitants and until recently was very cautious about the influx of modern technologies - only in 1995 the government allowed a television broadcasting. A few years later, the first feature films began to emerge.

Today, Bhutan's cinema can already boast of talented authors who successfully combine their local traditions and background of Buddhist philosophy with the universal language of film. One of them is Dechen Roder, a documentary filmmaker and director, whose "Honeygiver Among the Dogs," featured in this year's Berlinale programme, has delighted critics with the combination of an artistic vibe with the poetics of noir cinema. Apart from this intriguing work, the section will feature a set of films reflecting the evolution of the Bhutanese cinema, allowing the audience to explore inaccessible areas of this mysterious country.



The Japanese erotic cinema, the so-called pinku eiga, was thriving at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s when major labels underwent a severe financial crisis. The niche, fast-produced flicks have become a shelter for the most avant-garde filmmakers, who have taken the opportunity to experiment and explore the boundaries of cinema, often smuggling political content between the sex scenes. Nikkatsu studio played a special role in this field with its Roman Porno series, highlighting the artistic values of erotic genre and giving the directors unlimited freedom in choosing their topics.

In 2016 Nikkatsu announced a reactivation of the cult production label, inviting the most extreme Japanese filmmakers and aiming at a new generation of audience with more and more female viewers enjoying the genre. The first film of the new series was Sion Sono's "Antiporno", screened at Five Flavours last year. The programme  of the 11th edition will include two new works by Akihiko Shiota and Kazuya Shiraishi, as well as two classic titles from the original Roman Porno archives.



This year's directorial retrospective will be dedicated to one of most prominent figures of Hong Kong's new wave and at the same time one of the most influential people in contemporary Hong Kong cinema. Ann Hui celebrated her 70th birthday this year, remaining an active and creative artist. Actress, producer and screenwriter has more than 30 titles in her directorial output, ranging from social dramas – as the breakthrough "The Boat People" (1981) about the Vietnamese refugees – through ghost comedies ("The Spooky Bunch" 1980) and martial arts ("The Romance of Book and Sword", 1987) to historical epics ("Golden Age", 2014). Her newest super-production, "Our Time Will Come," released this summer is a stylish melodrama set in the days of the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong. "Simple Life" by Ann Hui has opened the 7th edition of Five Flavours.



As every year, the highlight of the Five Flavours programme  will be the New Asia Cinema competition section, presenting fresh voices and outstanding productions that address current issues and broaden the boundaries of film imagination. Creative, widely discussed films from Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bangladesh or Japan will compete for the main prize, awarded by the People's Jury – a group of cinema enthusiasts selected via a competition – and for the NETPAC Award.

Special screenings will feature prominent filmmakers and the most talked about premieres of the past year. Among the focal points of the section is a restored masterpiece of the Japanese avant-garde, "Tokyo Drifter" (1966) directed by Seijun Suzuki who died on 13rd February this year.

For the first time Five Flavours will feature a special programme curated in cooperation with the Asian Film Awards Academy which aims to promote Asian cinema and honour outstanding filmmakers. The section will include titles nominated and awarded at this year's Asian Film Awards to reflect the diversity of contemporary Asian cinema. 

The programme will be complemented by introductory talks, Asian Academy's lectures, and Q&As with filmmakers.



For those coming to the Festival from out of Warsaw, we are preparing a special hospitality offer. Details will be revealed at the beginning of July.

If you have any questions, contact us at hospitality@piecsmakow.pl.

Festival Passes will be available from August 1st.

The 11th edition of Five Flavours will take place on November 15-22 in Warsaw.

Organizer: Arteria Art Foundation

Partners: City of Warsaw, The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Polish Film Institute, Japan Foundation, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, Asian Film Awards Academy


Emilia Skiba
+48 606 557 279


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