International Children's Television Festival "Dytiatko" and the International Center of Films for Children and Youth (CIFEJ) entered into an agreement to hold the framework of the 5th annual festival "Dytiatko" CIFEJ Days in Ukraine.
CIFEJ Days including:
- CIFEJ Animation and Film Workshop
- CIFEJ Board Meeting;
- Two-day Media-Conference “Global Village, Children, TV and Cinema”;
- Screening CIFEJ winner Films.
Days CIFEJ first held in Ukraine. Traditionally, these events are held twice a year in different countries of the world.
Reference: The International Centre of Films for Children and Young People (CIFEJ) is an international nongovernmental organization emerging from the conference held by UNESCO in Edinburg in 1955 and is known as «Centre International de Film pour l,enfance et la Jeunesse-CIFEJ».
CIFEJ was founded under the auspices of UNESCO in order to promote excellence in the production of culturally diverse, entertaining, artistic, educational and informative audio-visual media especially designed for children and young people.